Seth Clearwater X Reader

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"Hey good morning sleepyhead." A voice called out loudly causing you to stir out of your unconscious state of sweet slumber.

You opened your eyes, but instantly groaned when you saw your older brother Jacob and shut them again.

"Hey wake up." Jacob called again and in an instant you were shrieking at the top of your lungs when you felt Jake pull you by your ankles out of the small bed and onto the cold wooden floor.

"Jake!" You yelled and got up rather quickly to chase him out of your room and down the hall.

Billy, yours and Jacobs father, was already seated at the head of the table sitting motionless in his wheelchair, most likely waiting for you and Jake to join him for breakfast.

"Hey cut it out you two!" Billy yelled as you chased Jacob out of the house and out into the grass behind your small reservation home.

By now you were wide awake and the only thing you could think of was tearing Jacob to shreds. He had this coming to him, he was always messing with you and starting trouble.

Up in the distance there were six shirtless boys and one clothed girl standing at the tree line of the forest, but as you and Jacob approached they began to step out to investigate the situation.

Jake was slowing down his speed because there was nowhere to run and immediately you were doing the same thing.

You were aware of what your brother and his friends were. What Sam and his followers were. The only reason you knew was because Sam was sure that you were going to shift as well at some point, all you needed was something to push you over the edge.

Your bare feet finally skidded to a halt behind Jacob who was standing in front of the pack sheepishly.

"I really thought that would work." Jacob said with a smirk as he caught his breath.

"Shove it Jake it's never gonna work." You growled and smacked your older brother on the back of his head harshly which caused all of the boys to laugh and Sam to smirk.

"(Y/n), better you shift because of Jacob and not because of someone else." Sam said seriously breaking up the tension.

"Like I said, never gonna work." You shook your head and took a deep breath as you turned on your heel to make your way back to the house.

Jake was going to train and patrol with the pack and you were probably gonna head over to Emily's and hang out with her for the day.

As you turned away from Jake you couldn't help but catch Seth's eye. You both gazed at each other slightly, butterflies filled you stomach and a small smile crept onto your cheeks.

You smiled at him before completely turning away and jogging back through the yard to the back door. You had to get to Emily's soon if you ever wanted to help her make lunch and bake sweets for when the pack came back from patrol.

~~ Time Skip ~~

"It's just that Sam really thinks I'm gonna shift, so he keeps on ordering Jake to pick on me hoping it'll make me angry enough to turn." You explained to Emily as you mixed a bowl of brownie batter.

"I would trust Sam. He doesn't want you to shift in front of someone you love, someone who can't know...." She trailed off almost as if whatever she had to say next was hard.

"He doesn't want you to accidentally hurt someone you love because you couldn't control your emotions." There it was. Emily expressing her feelings based on her own experience with Sam.

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