Kylo Ren x reader

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"How are you my apprentice?"
The tall yet dark intimidating man circled around me his gloved hands clapsed behind his back. The only thing I could do was stand there, my black boots glued to the metal floor as I stared out the large window into the never ending black space. Tears were streaming down my face as my mentor Kylo Ren insulted me.
"You're a pathetic excuse for a warrior."
Kylo Ren stopped at my side glancing at my wet face.
"You're crying. How did you ever manage to join the dark side?"
He asked his voice annoyed, stern, and loud. I was still silent, there was a knot in my throat preventing me from speaking. It hurt and burned, my lips quivered as hot tears spilled down my cheeks.
"You can't even talk back!" Kylo Ren boomed.
"(Y/n) I'm not doing this because I'm angry at you. I'm doing this to teach you. I'm fully aware you can rule and fight with a cold, merciless, unforgiving heart. I've seen it deep down within you."
Kylo stood in front of me his knees slightly bent and his fists clenched out in front of him, his dark eyes pouring into mine.
"There's times where you act like things don't get to you. You turn into some cold and ruthless person. But then there's times where you're so sensitive and you can't even take constructive criticism."
His voice trailed off with a sigh and he stood up straight in front of me again.
"You have to be emotionless to be on the dark side..."
Kylo's tone became softer.
"I can't."
I mumbled my voice in a barely audible whisper.
"Can't what?"
He asked sharply.
"I can't change!"
I yelled gritting mg teeth to try and stop from crying.
"I've tried Kylo! I've tried so hard to be like you, and Hux, and Phasma! But I can't. I'm not meant for this. Some moments I feel so powerful when I'm with you Kylo, but then you make me feel like dirt. Like I'm nothing and like all the training you've given me proves nothing."
I yelled my face extremely red from bottled up anger. I stared Kylo Ren right in his dark eyes and for once he listened, his facial features seemed to soften.
"I'm nothing..."
I trailed off my sudden realization that was always right in front of me was now sticking out like a sore thumb. I came from a small planet hearing the legends of the fights agaisnt the dark and light. I worshiped the light until the world became cruel to me. My parents beat me and left me all alone. And then one day, somehow I used the force and met Kylo Ren in a mind link. My shoulders slumped and sweat beads were forming at my hairline.
"That's right, you're nothing."
Kylo Ren sharpened his eyes drawing in a deep breath.
"But not to me."
He stepped closer his black cape flowing behind him slightly. My heart suddenly skipped a beat and I felt as if I couldn't breath.
"Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. It's the only way to become what you were meant to be."
Kylo whispered bringing his gloved hand up to my face and cupping my cheek his thumb softly brushed under my eye to wipe the tears. I felt my body shake slightly and my knees buckled. Kylo quickly stepped closer holding me up tightly.
"I'm sorry I'm a dissapointmemt to you Kylo Ren. I've failed you as an apprentice."
I put my face in his chest but didn't cry. I just felt heavy and weak.
"You haven't dissapointed me (Y/n) if anything you've made me..."
Kylo trailed off as he started to space out.
"Made you what?"
I asked looking up still held tightly in his embrace my back slightly arched so our chests were pressed firmly together.
"You've made me... feel something I've never felt before."
Kylo sounded confused as if he didn't know how to begin to explain what I made him feel.
"Oh so something other than anger, ruthlessness, and hotheaded?"
I asked with a small smirk playing on my lips.
"You make me feel alive."
And just as Kylo said that to me he grabbed my right and and placed it on his clothed chest where his heart was.
"You have feelings for me?"
I asked skeptically. That was what I was putting together, that I made Kylo feel something in his heart, something good. And it was hard to believe because of how closed off the dark mentor was.
"I'm attracted towards you more than a friend or a mentor."
Kylo looked down into my eyes taking his time with his words.
"You like me!"
I chirped.
"I love you."
Kylo whispered causing my cheeks to flush red and my eyes to widen. Then suddenly Kylo Ren leaned in our faces only inches apart. He pressed his lips to mine in a soft and passionate manner as he began to kiss me slowly and magically. The brutal and harsh dark lord was now kissing me passionately and softly like if he pressed any harder he would hurt me. Soon we both pulled back and we were left speechles.
"I want you to be mine."
Kylo grinned softly his hands gripping mine at our side's.
"I want to be you're too."
I giggled softly to myself and we both leaned in again kissing our black cloaks blending into the window of the dark star filled space.

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