John Frusciante x Reader

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Foxtrot by Genesis played on vinyl in the background of the small California apartment.

Candles were light amongst the room. Paints, canvases, and sheets of paper were spread out on the floor.

You are John were sitting in the living room on the ash burnt brown couch that had faded overtime.

The apartment was dirty but neither of you cared. You guys were too focused on the music and each other.

You sat in one of Johns big flannels and his sweatpants, he liked when you wore his clothes so who were you to reject him.

In a weird sense he liked to wear your clothes too. He was wearing a regular oversized t shirt of yours and a pair of orange plaid pants.

A cigarette dangled from between your fingers, a glass of wine was held in your other hand as you stared at John who sat on the other side of the couch.

He was taking hits of his cigarette and blowing the smoke out in o shapes. Every once in awhile he took a sip of his wine, occasionally a smirk would spread across his lips when he looked at you and met your gaze.

"John." You said softly to catch his attention.

He let out a soft hum of acknowledgment to your calling of his name, but he didn't draw his eyes away from the ceiling or stop blowing o's.

"I love spending time with you."

At that he looked down and took the cigarette out of his mouth. "And I enjoy spending time with you my love."

You guys were spending a little time together before he would be going away for tour with his band The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

John was very clingy. All of his time was spent with you. He was reliant upon you because he considered you his soulmate.

In every aspect of life and all its elements he considered you his parallel. His twin, and his other half.

He respected you opinion about everything important, even his music which he usually never let anyone dictate.

Deep down John feared that he would lose himself on tour without you with him. Anthony had a strict rule for tour. "No girlfriends allowed."

John felt all the other guys didn't understand. No one in the band had a person like you in their life. They didn't understand the deep and spiritual connection you guys had.

In order to play and produce music John needed you with him.

But tonight was for you guys. Not for his paranoid thoughts and his darkest nightmares.

You smiled widely when he said he enjoyed spending time with you too.

John found you incredibly cute, especially when you smiled and gushed over him. He never really thought he was anything special, but you thought differently.

It was what he liked about you, how you didn't care about looks, the past, or occupations. You liked him for him, and he liked you for you. Even though he thought you were the most gorgeous woman to walk to earth.

"(Y/n)..." John mumbled after a moment of watching you smile.

"Yeah?" You asked curiously and sat up, directing your attention to him, you puffed on your cigarette

He was silent for a moment, scared to confess and ruin the night with his neurotic thoughts about tour, his separation anxiety, and his drug problem that he assumed would only increase by leaving you.

But John didn't have to say anything because you spoke up for him instead.

"Johnny, baby." You set your wine glass down on the cramped dirty coffee table and put your cigarette out quickly in the filled up ashtray.

You scooted towards him on the other side of the couch and grabbed his free hand.

"I know what's bugging you."

"You do?" John asked and set his wine glass down so you could hold both his hands.

"Yes." You plucked the cigarette out of his mouth and set in the grooves of the ashtray before turning back to him and grabbing his hands.

"You are scared to go on tour because you don't want to leave me... we've been together for a almost a year now and we haven't been apart for more than a few nights since 6 months ago. You feel like everything will fall apart on tour because you'll have no stability. No me keeping you in check."

John was looking at you intensely by this point. He was amazed by how easily you could read him and how you knew him like the back of your hand. He wasn't surprised though, he knew you were his soulmate.

"But John I promise you I will be here waiting to pick up the scared and fragile pieces of you when you come home a few months from now. The band is doing so good and you are a big part of its success. you love the music, and you love playing with Flea and Chad. I know the fame and the crowds aren't all too appealing to you and that's okay." Slowly you moved you hand up to stroke his cheek.

"I don't think I can make it all those months without you (Y/n)..." his voice shook.

You frowned and pulled him into your embrace. "You are so much stronger than you think you are John. You can do anything you put your mind to... I won't always be around, even if you want me to. You have to do things on your own sometimes." You explained gently into his ear as you stroked his hair.

He sighed into your chest, his arms wrapping around the small of your back tightly. "You just keep me sane... in a world full of people who only like me for my music you're like a breath of fresh air. I can tell you anything and everything, and sometimes I don't even have to because you know me so well. You appreciate my art and my writing and my deep talks-"

You quickly cut him off "And I always with John. I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right here when you come back. And you can call me everyday. I'll even send you my clothes and write you letters and send you pictures if you want."

He pulled back to look up at you. "You'd do that for me?" he asked.

"Of course I would." You looked down at him. By this time he was laying on his stomach between your legs and on your chest while you laid back on the arm of the couch to support you.

John smiled, deep down he had a feeling tour would ruin him, but your words of advice had made him feel better for the time being.

"I love you so much." He said seriously.

"I love you too." You smiled.

John reached your to grab you chin and press his lips to yours.

You guys kissed the night away as the opening of Horizons by Genesis played in the background.

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