klaus mikaelson x reader

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imagine: it's your birthday !

(y/f/f) = your favorite flower

In a town where everyone was obsessed with Elena Gilbert, I tried not to take being neglected too personal.

Elena was always a top priority. If not to Stefan and Damon then to the rest of her friends and what was left of her family.

I didn't hate Elena, she was one of my best friends and all I wanted was for her to be safe and alive.

But on the day of my birthday, Elena being everyone's top priority wasn't exactly making me any happier.

The whole day went by and I didn't get a single "happy birthday" from anyone.

No presents, no hugs, no surprises, no party, no cake, no nothing.

All my friends had forgotten about my birthday to go tend to Elena and all the supernatural situations going on in Mystic Falls.

But who was I to blame them. I was just another human girl, worthless to a vampire unless I wanted to be fed upon.

The sun was setting in Mystic Falls and in only a few hours my birthday would finally be over, I just wanted to forget the whole day.

I was up in my room watching something on the TV, hoping that soon I would just drift off into a deep slumber.

I was just about ready to drift off into a state of unconsciousness when I heard a knock at my front door.

Instantly alerted I sat up and threw the comforter off of my legs and got up out of bed.

I wondered who was here this late into the night.

Maybe it was one of my friends or all of them to surprise me for a late night party.

Maybe they hadn't forgotten.

I smiled with hope as I walked towards the door and opened it up eagerly.

Much to my disappointment it wasn't any of my friends with presents or cake or liquor.

It was Niklaus Mikaelson. He wasn't exactly my friend, but he was the last person I was expecting to show up on my doorstep at 8 in the evening.

He smiled in a dashing way when I answered the door, I had never invited him into my house so he was stuck on the other side peering in at me.

"Good evening love, I hope it's not too late." In his hands he held a bouquet of (y/f/f), my favorite flower.

I was stuck standing there in confusion and I was a little bit speechless.

"Forgive me for my tardiness. I'm sure you have a full night of partying with your friends ahead of you. I just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy birthday." Klaus smiled and extended the bouquet out in front of him for me to take.

Still, I was stuck in a state of confusion, but I was soon to come to my senses as he stood in front of me silently, waiting for me to speak.

"How did you know?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I recall in a conversation with you saying how much you loved (y/f/f) at the party my sister threw. You two seem have the same taste in decoratives." He simply shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"What no." I shook my head and he seemed perplexed.

"How did you know today was my birthday?" I asked.

A small chuckle left his lips, "How could I forget."

But I didn't laugh. I found this to be one of the most strangest occurrences this week.

All my friends, most who I've know since we were in kindergarten, forgot my birthday.

But Klaus, the infamous all fearful hybrid, whom I had only known for a couple months, remembered my birthday.

"Well all my other friends forgot. I didn't really think you of all people would remember." I shrugged in a sad tone.

His eyebrows furrowed. "All of your friends just forgot your birthday?" it sounded as if he didn't believe it.

"Yeah. There's no big night of partying awaiting me inside. Just a movie and my bed." I sighed.

"(Y/n), I am deeply sorry for the way your birthday has turned out. I never really enjoyed celebrations like this since I've been dead for thousands of years, but you as a human value these sorts of occasions... I know it must be hard being aquatinted with masses of the vampire species. They tend to be very arrogant." His apology was meaningful and very serious, it came from the heart.

"... You're a vampire." was the only thing I could muster out.

He smirked, "Actually I'm a hybrid, and I think me showing up on your doorstep with flowers to wish you a happy birthday when all your friends forgot is very humble of me."

For the first time that day I smiled and reached out to accept the bouquet of flowers from his hand.

"Thank you Klaus I do appreciate it a lot more than you know." My cheeks flushed red from his charm.

"It's my pleasure love." He grinned with deep whisper, his hands stuck in his pockets and he kinda stood there, as if he was unsure of what do do next.

I smelt the flowers in a dream state and then realized he was just standing there on my front porch.

Feeling rude I snapped out of it and bit down on my bottom lip, not knowing if I would later on regret my next action.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked and tried to sound sure of myself.

Klaus looked up with a surprised expression, "You really trust me?"

I shrugged, not completely sure. "You're just not as bad as my friends made you out to be."

He smiled something genuine like his dead heart had beat again, someone recognized him for something other than a heartless, cold, monster.

"Please, come inside."

And with those three words the magic barrier was broken between the frame of my door that separated the porch from the living room.

Klaus slowly stepped inside of my house and looked around, his hands held behind his back.

Not sure what to do I did what I would've done to anyone else, I moved forward and hugged him.

He was tense and caught off guard, but after a moment he managed to hug back and rest his head on mine.

"Thank you again Klaus." I whispered.

His hands rubbed tentatively up and down my back, "No need to thank me love."

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