klaus mikaelson x reader

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imagine: you keep having reoccurring nightmares of Klaus ripping your heart out and feeding off your blood, but he's the only one there for you when you wake up. ))

I was running as fast as I could through the forest.

It was dark, misty, and tangled with loose roots and tree beaches.

My breathing was hitched in my throat as I ran down the trails, my legs carried me as fast as they could and pushed me up to jump over logs and roots.

I looked back even though I knew that was the most idiotic thing I could do in this situation. That was like the number one rule when someone was chasing you, never look back.

I glanced over my shoulder back down the dark path and saw no one and the only footsteps I heard were my own.

All of the sudden I ran straight into something hard and got knocked back onto the rough forest floor.

The wind was knocked out of me as I panted heavily on the forest floor in short gasps trying to recollect myself.

My vision was hazy as I looked and saw who was chasing me.

It was no other than the infamous, thousands of years old, cold blooded killer, Niklaus Mikaelson.

His once soft eyes were now dark and seemed to narrowed into slits as he looked down at me.

"Klaus." I planted and pushed myself up onto my elbows to look up at him.

He didn't say anything, he hardly even acknowledged that I had spoke. Instead he just reached forward and picked me up by my neck.

Being the helpless human I was, I squirmed around in his strong grasp and clung onto his hand to try and not make him choking me any more unbearable.

He mocked me silently and made me stare right into his cold dead eyes.

He brought his face close to mine and before I had time to realize what was happening I saw the veins under his eyes begin to visibly prickle with a thirst for human blood.

His eyes beamed red and he opened his mouth, his canines extended out and dazzled in the moonlight before he quickly pierced my neck and began to drink from me.

Something he promised to never do.

I screamed out and it hurt more than I could ever imagine since he didn't compel me or anything.

When he was done he dropped me and I landed on my feet right in front of him, my whole body racked as I looked up at him with my big doe like eyes full of fear.

Blood dripped from his mouth and down his chin as he smirked mischievously.

"K-Klaus." I stuttered and went to backup in a fruitless attempt to escape, but before I could take more than two steps Klaus reached forward and grabbed me.

He stuck his bare hand through my chest cavity, breaking my ribs and ripping through my muscles in one swift lunge forward.

I thought the pain would be quick since he had killed me, but as he ripped my heart out I felt every single ounce of pain up until he held my motionless, large, bloody heart in his hand right in front of me and I fell to the forest floor. Finally dead.

Before I could hit the forest floor though I awoke screaming in my bed.

I was drenched in sweat and my body was racking with fear and tingled with adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I sat straight up and looked around my dark room in a panic. I took note of my surroundings finding it hard to believe that I was actually alive and my human heart was still beating in my chest.

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