Seth Clearwater X Reader

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just for clarification i'm having it be so in this story Seth is 16 and Leah is 19. you the reader are about 17. ik there's an age difference between you and leah but ofc you're besties and then the difference between you and seth is only a year so it's chill.

Leah Clearwater was your best friend and she had been for as long as you could remember.

You were born on the Quileute Tribe reservation in La Push (Forks) Washington, just like many of your friends. The elders were close and you knew everyone was like family since you were young.

You had been through everything with Leah. Your first period, your first loves, your first heartbreaks, your first fight, anything and everything you could imagine.

Leah was different than anyone you knew, she wasn't always an angry and bitter person. Before her and Sam broke up during her junior year she was a happy go lucky girl with dreams.

Her and Sam had dated for three years and you were there through all of it. You always approved of Sam, everyone did. He was a kind and amicable guy, the kind of guy you wanted your daughter to date.

Then one day out of nowhere Sam disappeared for at least two weeks and when he came back he was different. Everyone noticed it, especially Leah but she gave him his space hoping he would come back to his senses.

The true heartbreak started when Leah's cousin Emily came to town to visit and Sam fell in love with her. Leah was expecting her beloved cousin to turn her ex down, but it didn't play out like that.

Leah was never the same after that, she was just glad she had you at the end of the day because you had never done her wrong and your actions proved that.

You spent countless nights at the Clearwater household held up in Leah's room holding her as she cried hysterically into your shoulder asking you why Emily would do such a thing and how Sam could just so easily fall out of love with her.

You had no answers for Leah. It broke your heart to see your best friend so heartbroken. While Emily was nice you were starting to hate the new couple just because of what they did to Leah.

Leah began to change overall. She became bitter and angry, she had anger problems and mood swings that would not go away and were constantly arising in simple situations.

You took your time with Leah because you understood she was going through a hard time. Her parents just couldn't understand why she was so moody all the time and constantly confronted her about it.

The day Leah and her brother Seth phased was a day you would never forget. Like always you were at the Clearwater house, hoping to get Leah out and about to lift her spirits.

You were waiting by the door for the older girl. She came sulking down the hall looking rather unenthusiastic about the whole trip, but she would do it for you if you thought it was best for her.

As soon as she entered into the living room her mother immediately started on her. You loved Sue and you could tell she was just concerned, but she was going about it all wrong.

"Mom I'm not arguing about this with you anymore!" Leah yelled at her mom clearly wanting to leave the house now more than ever.

"Leah I'm worried about you. This isn't normal the way you're acting." Sue expressed her feelings as she tried to reach out to her oldest daughter.

By now Harry had torn his tired eyes away from the baseball game on the TV so see what the women of his household were arguing about.

Seth who sat at the kitchen table stopped eating his lunch to look up at his mom and older sister.

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