Seth Clearwater X Reader

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      Finally the day of your sister Bella's wedding had come. It was right after her and Edward's high school graduation, she was still 18 and there were a lot of theories around the wedding, but you knew the true reason.

      You were only a sophomore in high school, just 16 years old, two years younger than Bella and things just could not have been better.

      Admittedly you were a little scared to be in a room full of ageless vampires from all across the country, but you knew they would never hurt you.

      You were human through and through. Your sister wouldn't be human for much longer and eventually she would leave you and your dad as a means to protect you.

      She had done it before and she would surly do it again. Back in Arizona you and Bella were extremely close, but when you moved back to Forks with your dad things changed.

      Bella stopped telling you things. She would disappear for days. She fought with you and your dad all the time making it out like you guys had done something wrong. She was just constantly hopping around and it worried you.

      It especially worried you when Edward went away and Bella fell into a depression that no one but Edward could bring her out of, not even you or Jake or Charlie.

      But things got better because here you were at your sisters wedding and it was beautiful. The Cullens sure did an amazing job of planning, Alice did everything just right.

      After the wedding there was of course a huge party on the Cullen property to celebrate the newly wed couple. You had found yourself just enjoying the party and hanging out with the Cullens since you knew them the most.

      Alice took you around to introduce you to all of their distant cousins and of course all of them said the same thing about you being human, but were overall very good company.

      Emmett had been sneaking you glasses of champagne all night and Rosalie had been scolding you and Emmett every time she caught her boyfriends big build trying to shield you as you downed a glass.

      It ended in laughter and Rosalie just keeping an eye on you to make sure you weren't too tipsy for being such a young lightweight, but you were fine.

      Your eyes lit up as you watched Alice and Jasper dance together like no one else was watching. Everyone was having such a great time you almost forgot that you were waiting on someone.

      After a moment you looked up, your eyes scanned the beautiful yard in search of a boy for which your heart longed for.

      It was easy to spot him in the crowd. All you had to do was look for your dad. He had his back to you but he was chatting with Sue Clearwater. Both of them were sipping their champagne and Sue was laughing at something your dad said.

      To Sue's right there was Billy and he was talking to, no other than the boy you were looking for, Seth Clearwater. As soon as you spotted him it was almost like instinct for him to look over and see you. He could sense his imprint across the room.

      He turned to the right, his eyes catching yours and immediately he smiled a bright million dollar smile. His tan skin was glowing under the soft shine of the pixie lights.

      He looked clean and handsome in his light brown suit jacket with a loose white dress shirt underneath and gray dress pants on the bottom. You noticed that Jacob wasn't around so Seth was the only shapeshifter out of the pack to come.

      You saw Seth mumbling something to the group and in an instant they were all making their way over to you. All you could do was focus on Seth though.

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