Will Scarlet x Reader

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in my world history class we watched Robin Hood Prince of Thieves and Christian Slater (JD from heathers if you're uncultured) played a woods man named Will Scarlet and he's unbelievably hot in every role he plays so ima write sumn for him. ))

You were helping Fanny take care of her newest baby that she had just given birth to a few nights ago.

"Wow that makes 8." you said in a whisper as Fanny set down the baby in a small and comfy pile of hay.

"Yes." she sighed and turned around to face you. "Do you want kids (y/n)?"

you bit the inside of your lip not sure what to say. "One or two would be nice... although i'm not spoken for."

At this Fanny just chuckled and shook her head "You could be spoken for by any of the fine young men here. They drool over you."

You couldn't help but blush at her words and just shake your head in embarrassment. "None of them have really caught my eye.

Fanny gave you a knowing look as a small smirk played on her lips. "Not even that Will Scarlet?"

Now your cheeks burned bright red and before you got a chance to defend yourself there was screaming from outside the huts from all the other men, woman, and children.

"Nottingham! Celts!" Someone yelled as they ran past.

You and Fanny both gasped in fear. Quickly she grabbed newborn, not quite sure what to do now,

"I have to find John and Wulf." Fanny panted as she went to run out of the hut, swaddling the little new born to her chest as it cried loudly.

"Fanny no. They're off fighting with the men. We have to help the children and other woman." Not knowing what else to do you turned in the hut and grabbed a sword of Little Johns out of the corner.

"Follow me." You grabbed Fanny's hand and led her out of the house past all of the people running back and forth screaming their heads off as the Celts ran through on horses swinging their swords and hammers back and forth.

A Celt suddenly charged at you guys to which Fanny only shirked and turned her back.

Quickly you turned bringing the sword forward and stabbing the Celt right in his gut.

"Fanny climb up and hide on the platforms, they won't be able to get you there." You pointed you to the trees where all the other woman were with their children.

"You must come with me (Y/n)." She pleaded holding onto your hand.

"I have to help Robin." You insisted and ushered her up the ladder with her baby.

Finally when she was up and safe you began to engage in combat with the crazy Celts.

You ran through the uneven grounding of the woods jumping over logs and dead bodies.

Celts ran at you with bows loaded but you were quick to swing the sword at the thin wood snapping it in half before stabbing the sharp metal blade through their chests.

Suddenly there was screaming from the trees as the Celts tried to climb up to the wooden walk ways.

You grabbed a bow off the ground along with an arrow, quickly you loaded it and fired it into the back of the aggressor who fell with a thud to the forest floor.

Continuing to advance with the bow slung over your shoulder and the sword drawn at your side you saw Will Scarlet in the distance fighting off a number of Celts.

He was quick to fend off two of them and leave them dropping dead to the first floor but he was no match for the third one sneaking up behind him.

Quickly you drew the bow, and arrow loaded in seconds as you pulled it back to your cheek and raised it.

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