Daryl Dixon x reader

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(In the early times of Alexandria. Meaning everyone is alive and well 😭)

Ever since my group had arrived in the small house settlement called Alexandria things have been different. I thought it was too comfortable, too good to be true. No camp was ever this good. We had a steady supply of food, monthly checkups, water, and showers even. I shuddered at the thought of all the months before when my group struggled to even get a piece of beef jerky off the floor of a gas station. Now it felt like everything was being taken for granted. Not me though, I kept to my roots and I was glad I wasn't the only one, Daryl Dixon. A man in my group held the same out look as me, yet he was always off beyond the walls doing god knows what and wouldn't show up back in town until very late at night when the whole town had settled in for the night. Lucky for me, Daryl Dixon was actually my close friend. Ever since I met him at the farm we have been inseparable. It was mostly how clingy and determined I was to the attractive rough looking man but it did pay off in the long run. But lately ever since Alexandria Daryl had been quieter. Well he had always been quiet but this, there was something different about how he was acting now and how he would act before. When it was just our group he would always keep a watchful eye over all of us while we slept, he gave people his rations when he himself was starving, gave up his jackets and blankets, was always the one to step in front of the ladies when danger approached. Daryl cared deeply for everyone but he would never dare say it. One night I felt myself growing lonely. I had been given a large house all to myself. I couldn't sleep, I never could it was just too hard. I couldn't hear the loud snores of Abraham or the giggles coming from Maggie and Glenn. The sound of Carl thumbing through a comic book or the endless shifting coming from Rick. Or the boots across the floor from anyone who was taking watch. I think what I missed the most was feeling safe and protected. I missed Daryl and the way he made me feel. Like I wasn't alone. I quickly got up and laced on my boots exiting through my front door and walking all the way to the front of town by the gates where Sasha took place as guard.
"Sasha." I called up in a whisper yell. She looked down her eyes softening at me
"Has Daryl been out?" I asked nervously
"Hasn't come back yet." She called down. I nodded
"Thank you." And walked away to Daryls house and sat down on his porch. I waiting until the sun came up and even then I couldn't wait anymore. I had fallen asleep in a stiff chair on his porch. When I woke up all I could see was white. And whatever I was laying on was super comfortable and I was extremely warm. I turned on my side and saw Daryl on the floor lacing his boots up. "Mornin' sunshine." He mumbled. I sat up realizing I was wrapped in a thick flannel of Daryls. I blushed but pushed those feelings away.
"Where have you been?" I asked and Daryl shrugged
"What's been going on lately?" I asked sliding to the end of the bed so I was sitting in front of him
"Nun." He mumbled his voice very soft. I gave him a glare, one that said 'I know just tell me'. This seemed to make my close friend flustered
"I said forget about it. Don't need ya worryin bout everythin I do." Daryls voice suddenly turned cold and I was shocked at the way he responded to me. This reminded me of the first time we met back at the farm. When he resented me and wanted nothing more than for me to leave him alone because I was just some wimpy innocent farm girl who had never even seen or knew how to kill a walker before his group came along. To him I was just feed for the birds. "So you're just going to turn your back on everyone, again?" I asked tears brimming my eyes. I think Daryl realized what he had said and how harsh he had been because suddenly he tensed up and his baby blue eyes shook in fear. Fear that he had lost the only friend he ever had.
"It was a defensive habit I-I didn't mean to." He stuttered biting on the edge of his thumb.
"What did I do to make you hate me?" I asked my voice shaking
"(y/n) it wasn't you please don't blame yerself." Daryl crept closer to me on the edge of his bed his mouth opened like he was gonna say something but no words came out for a few moments.
"Being here is a blessing in disguise. Our group is no stranger to disaster. All the people here are so oblivious and the same. They look down on me. It's just like when everyone thought I was the short circuit redneck who was only good for skinning squirrel and tracking deer." Daryl took a pause and looked down at his shoes. His hands slowly went to mine. He squeezed them gently looking back up at me
"Yer the best I've ever had." He admitted. This was the most I had ever heard Daryl talk, especially about his feelings and even to me, his best friend it was rare. I quickly launched myself into Daryl's chest. I sat on his lap my arms wrapped around his torso and my head on his chest as I sniffled.
"I knew how you felt because I feel the same way. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you earlier." I admitted feeling like a bad friend.
"Please don't push me away again.... I love you." I whispered my grip on him still tight and needy. I felt Daryl tense at my words but his arms still remained around me
"Really?" He asked after a long moment of silence
"Since the farm." I shrugged not daring to look him in his pale baby blue eyes. Again, silence. I didn't dare move, not wanting to end the awkward but subtle moment we were sharing.
"I love you too." Daryl responded his voice smooth. I pulled back from the hug and looked him straight in his eyes, feeling confident I smiled and leaned in without another word pressing our lips together. At first it was slowly and timid but after a second the kiss was hot and fast. Before anything else could happen Daryl pulled back a smile on his own lips even though it was small and his cheeks were flushed.
"Come 'ere sunshine." Daryl chuckled pulling me back into chest as he rubbed soothing circles into my back with the palm of his hand while his lips pressed ocassionally to the top of my head.

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