Chapter 2

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Aphmau's POV

I woke up the next morning before stretching. I got changed into a snug purple shirt with skinny jeans. Today's the first day of school, I have to look good. I also have to make sure the boys are ready for their day. Gah, being the mom of the house is hard sometimes. I slid on my purple high tops before walking to the room across from mine and waking up Castor. He groaned before getting up and changing into a shirt that matches mine with some ripped jeans. He only walks out of the room to one of the ones next to mine, Flippy's, while I go to the one on my other side, Leo's. I grab Leo some clothes before shaking him awake and leaving him to change just as Castor is leaving Flippy's room.

"You know," he began, "What I said last night, about not being able to hurt the boys. It's true. They may be your kids but I love them to death."

I only smile and nod before grabbing a few bags of chips and making two sandwiches for Leo and Flippy. After I fix Castor and myself each a bowl of cereal, walking over to the table and sitting down.

"I know. Cas," I take a few spoons of cereal, "I couldn't hurt you or them. I love you like a brother and them like well like my kids."

He looks at me for a few seconds before he replies, "I know that feeling. Not the loving your kids one, since I don't have kids." He fumbled around on his words before continuing, "I mean to love you like a sister. I don't know what I could do without you, Jess." I tense up a bit before smiling. Leo comes down the stairs, rubbing his eyes while Flippy tumbles down them. I laugh before walking out the door, leaving Caster to take them to school.

"Thanks for taking them to school, Cas!" As I say, I slam into a warm wall. Also known as a human being who doesn't move when you walk into them. I immediately look up to see a hawt boy my age with blond hair. I back up before speaking.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I didn't see you and-" He cut me off by speaking himself.

"It's fine, it was an accident. I'll assume you're the new kid at Phoniex High?"

My eyes widened a bit at Castor running up behind me, Leo and Flippy in hand. We already talked about what would happen if someone from our school saw them. Claim that we're all siblings. An easy lie between Castor and I since we already thought of each other as siblings but with Leo and Flippy...

Let's just say it wouldn't be so easy for me.

I had a hard enough time leaving Sly that if I had to say our sons were my brothers, I couldn't handle it. Which is why I'm going to make Castor explain.

"Huh," I heard the blondie mumble before clearing his throat, "If you don't mind me asking, who are you all?"

I hear Castor curse under his breath before he places a fake smile on his lips and answers, stealing a glance in my direction, "Oh, the name is Castor. This over here is my sister, J-Aphmau," he changed mid-sentence, remembering my wanting to hide, "And these are our brothers, Leo and Flippy!"

I watched blondie look confused for a second before turning to me, "Well, I guess I shall see you two in class? Oh, and feel free to stop by my table at lunch." He shot me a smile before turning and walking off. I heard Castor emit a small sigh before he glared at me.

I glared back before speaking, "What's the glare for Cas? Mad that you're taking the boys to school?"

He huffed before nodding. I fought back a giggle at how childish it was, "Well, too bad. It's your turn for the week." His eyes widened, suddenly remembering our deal.

"Shoot! I'll be back soon, Aph!" He grabbed Leo and Flippy, picking them up and running. I'll see him later then. I guess I'm gonna have to make a few new friends.

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