Chapter 28

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Aphmau's POV

Once we reach camp, I see that everything is already set up for our overnight stay. Sly leads me over to our tent before placing me inside and leaving to grab something for us to eat.

'Hm, I feel like he's worried about us,' I hear Aphmau mumble inside of my head.

I only roll my eyes, 'Hey, smart one, why wouldn't he be worried? I'm his wife for crying out loud.'

'I think that you should be worried about something else at the moment...'

'Like what?'

'Maybe the fact that I said I only come out when you're in immediate danger or that Loki told you not to return yet here we are? Or the fact that your husband just got tackled by a shadow, that one counts too.'

I wheel around to see that she is, in fact, right. Thor, I don't know how he gets himself into these situations, "Sly!"

I quickly stand up and run over to him, to see that he's rolling around on the ground with this 'shadow'. I swear, Aphmau jumps to way too many conclusions.

'It's saved you how many times though?' She interrupts.

'Not enough or I would've never left'

She growls kind of playfully, 'Oi, life ain't perfect mate.'

'Can't fault you for that one.' As soon as I know she's heard it, I snap back into reality and grab the shadow off of Sly who had yet to realize what or who it was. Once he did though, I could tell he was happy. His eyes lit up, not as much as they did when he saw me but they still did, before he hugged the person. I raised an eyebrow to this 'shadow' who only shook his head at Sly's childish behavior before pushing him to the ground.

I let out a playful growl, as Aphmau had done earlier, before the shadow speaks, "Long time no speak, eh Jess?"

I nod before I myself tackle the shadow to the ground. I hear a slight 'oof' come from him, telling me that he had indeed felt the impact of the hit. I give him a hug before I look up at him.

"I missed you..."

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