Chapter 29

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Aphmau's POV

The shadow struggles to get out from under me before giving up after he realizes I have no intention of letting him go, "Jess, please get off of me. It's kind of difficult to breathe."

I let out a fake gasp at this, "Y-You think I'm fat, don't you?"

I watch his mask fade away as his eyes widen, "No, no, of course not Jess. I-" I cut him off with my laughter. His reaction was way too cliche. But what did I honestly expect from him? Not anything with originality, that's for sure.

I watch realization flicker across his face, "Jess..." He mutters, clearly upset with me.

I hold back my laughter some before speaking, "S-Sorry, P-Pbat. Th-That was cliche as fudge though." He pushes me into the ground before standing up and reactivating his mask.

"Sly," His voice is slightly muffled by the mask, "I assumed you'd be out to find Castor once we got that call. Where'd Jess come from?"

Sly shook his head, "I'll probably explain the whole story when we get back to the others. Until then, keep your mouth shut. I want to surprise mi amor with our destination."

Pbat glanced over at me before nodding, "Gotcha. I can always go back to 'Teh Fancy Hall' if you want to give it two some alone time."

"Actually-" I decided to pick this time to butt in.

"It's because fine if you stayed. I don't really want to be left alone with this pain in my butt for any longer then I have I be. Castor ditched me and took the boys with him."

Pbat let's out a snort at this, "Of course he did. He's been having to deal with you alone for how long?"

"Look it wasn't that long. Just long enough to drive him insane from my marvel-ous puns."

I watch as the two 'men' in front of me groan, "Really Jess? Fudgin puns now?"

I let out a giggle at this, "I thought you liked my puns, Stari."

"Most times," He says before he walks over to me and picks me up, "Those times do not include when you use my dad's group in said pun."

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