Chapter 10

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Aphmau's POV

We had gotten permission to go outside. Apparently, it's normal for people to want to go outside during their free periods. As we were walking out the door though, I heard footsteps behind us. I turn around to see a certain blondie and brownie running towards us with a blue-haired boy and a white-haired boy.

"Hey! Aph! Wait up!" I grab Castor's arm before he can start running and wait at the door for the four boys.

"Tha-Thanks for wa-waiting for u-us, A-Aphmau," Garroth tells me, out of breath from running to try to catch us.

"No problem Garroth!" I give him a smile, similar to the one I gave Kawaii~Chan earlier, "Now, who are the Blueberry and Snow White you brought with you?"

I watch Laurence start laughing as Blueberry looks horrified at his nickname, Snow White is just shaking his head. Garroth, on the other hand, looks at the two boys before speaking, "'Blueberry' over there is Dante, 'Snow White' is Travis. Casanovas at first but kind when you get to know them," He said, putting air quotes around my nicknames for them.

I simply shake my head, "I think Blueberry and Snow White sound better."

Blueberry's horrified face becomes more terrified at the thought of me calling him Blueberry, "No! No! Don't call me Blueberry! Please!"

"Well," I say, thinking for a second, "If I take out the 'n't', you just said 'Do call me Blueberry!' So Blueberry it is! Also, nice to meet you, Travis." Blueberry's face quickly looks a bit upset after hearing me call Travis by his name and not him.

He shakes his head before speaking again, seeing Laurence and Garroth on the ground, laughing at his misfortune and Travis holding in his laugh, "Uh, didn't we come out here to play soccer? Guys?" Laurence was holding his stomach in pain from his laughter while Garroth's had died down a bit as he tried to help him stand back up, placing Laurence's arm over his shoulders to keep him from falling again. In all honesty, they'd be a cute couple.

"So did we!" Castor says, finally speaking, he'd been trying to get away from me the whole time but had failed to do so, "Maybe we can play together! We still have about a half-hour to play a game?"

Travis' eyes light up, "I'm down! We'd need to let Laurence catch his breath though..."

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