Chapter 12

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Aphmau's POV

Travis and I walk into the gymnasium together. He pulls me over to the teacher who tells me to just wear any purple shirt and black shorts tomorrow. I mean, I already have a purple shirt on but oh well. I'd still have to change out of my jeans anyway. I'm kind of upset that I won't be participating in the gym today though...

Apparently, they were having a volleyball tournament this week. Today was the last day though, so it was the championship. I realized I wasn't the only one sitting down now, most of the people here were. I noticed that Travis was on one of the teams while Katelyn was on the other. That'll be interesting.

I walk over to the bleachers only to find Laurence sitting there, trying his best to ignore the fact that I'm here. I'm not about to let what happened earlier be forgotten.

I take the time that they use to set up the game to slide over and sit next to Laurence and get his attention, "Hey, Laurence!"

He reluctantly looks over at me, "Oh, hey, Aph."

We sit in silence for a few minutes before he speaks up, "Uh, about earlier..."

I break out into a grin, seeing Katelyn score a point on Travis' team, "Yeah, Brownie?"

He doesn't register the name for a second but once he does, he begins to pout, "Oh come on, I don't want to end up like Da-Blueberry with the nicknames."

I start laughing, "Uh hu," this interrogation needs to happen, "So about you kissing Garroth again?"

His face turns into a firetruck, not literally, just the color, you know what I'm not explaining this, his face is pretty red, okay? Okay, so his face is pretty red and he takes a second to answer me, "It's just, I've liked Garroth for years and I got the opportunity so I may or may not have snagged it..."

"Let me get this straight," I questioned, "You like Garroth but you won't tell him? Come on now, you were the one calling me pretty earlier."

He groans before we hear a whistle from Coach, "And Team Thunder wins the match! You all have the rest of the period off to do whatever you want." Travis walks over to us after the announcement, head hanging low in disappointment, Katelyn's quickly runs past him though.

"Aph!" Katelyn's team must have been the winner then, "I won! I won the tournament!"

Travis is much slower to answer but once he realizes he couldn't have won without Katelyn being upset, he lets it go, "Yeah, she did. Good job, Katelyn."

She turns towards him, quickly giving him a hug before pulling away.  Hmm, is a new ship rising?

The bell interrupts our conversation before it can continue. I quickly get up to head to math, only to be followed by Travis and Laurence.

This chapter is dedicated to LiSungHo, they followed the story from the beginning and have been supportive of my ideas.

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