Chapter 4

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Aphmau's POV

Laurence had finally texted Garroth to meet us at the office. I mean, it only took him 10 years. So here I was, standing in front of my first class, 2 minutes late already. I'm just thankful that Garroth is in this class so I don't have to explain. I stole a glance at him only to see him glancing at me.

"Hey, Aph," a nickname they had already given me, "are you ready for your first class at Phoenix High?"

I sucked in a breath, "Absolutely!" Not at all! "I'm so excited to get to meet new people!" I don't want new friends. It'll be like replacing The Few...

A smile broke out on his face, "Great! I'll explain to Ms.Gravler why we're late." Before I could give him an answer, he pushed the door open.

"Garroth! Where have you been?"

"Uh, I'm sorry Ms. Gravler. I was showing the new girl around the school and kinda lost track of time..."

I watched the teacher, Ms. Gravler, sigh before pointing to a seat, "You can sit there. Please, come and introduce yourself first though!"

My eyes widened. I completely forgot I'd have to introduce myself! I walked up to the front of the class.

I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder, "Uh, hey everyone! My name's Aphmau! I love the color purple and have two younger brothers and one older!" Lies. So many lies.

"Thank you, Aphmau!" I looked to where she had told me to sit earlier. To my luck, it was next to Garroth. Score! He's so nice! I find a smile on my face as I walk over to him.

"Hey, Garroth!" I see his smile before I sit down.

"Hey Aph," I watch his smile become slightly diluted. "We have to write a paragraph on something scary, real or otherwise." I grin, perfect timing. I had written a paragraph to scare Castor earlier this month!

"Well," I watch confusion start crawling onto his face, "I may or may not have already done that. I'm ahead of schedule."

He starts pouting, "No fair! How come you get a head start!"

"Headstart?" Oh, Thor. She heard us, "Who's got a head start? I only came up with this idea 5 minutes before class started!"

Not wanting Garroth in trouble I raise my hand, "Me, Ms. Gravler. I wrote a spooky paragraph trying to scare my brother earlier."

I watch her shake her head, "Very well. Please read your paragraph in front of the class as an example though!"

This is going to be torture...

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