Chapter 9

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Aphmau's POV

Castor and I walk into science together. I had to practically drag him down the hallways to get here on time though. I walk into class with everyone else to be stopped by the teacher, Mrs. Oldwolf, to tell us where she'd like us to sit. I look around to see 7 tables, each with 4 chairs, around the room. Castor and I walk to the table closest to the front and sit down next to each other. Mrs. Oldwolf begins handing out a packet for test review.

I look at the first "problem" before turning and looking at Castor, "Hey, Cas, define inertia for me."

He gives me a confused look as he wasn't paying attention to the packet at all, "Huh?" he looks down at the packet in his hands, quickly reading over the first one before understanding crosses his face, "Isn't it like the tendency for an object to remain either at rest or in motion unless acted on by an outside force or something?"

I sigh before shaking my head, "Or something? Castor,  you only had to fill in three words! The paper gives you the rest of the definition!"

A small embarrassed blush covers his face, "Uh, y-your turn Aphie. U-Uh, define the L-Law of U-Universal Gr-Gravitation for me." I immediately begin giggling. His stuttering is funny!

"Cas," My giggles become full-blown laughs, ones I try to muffle by covering my mouth with my hand, "Why are you stuttering, bro?"

Hi face becomes redder, "J-Just answer the question, J-Aph..."

"Aw," I give him a small pout, "Fineeeeeee," I mutter after a few seconds of the pouting not working, dragging out the 'e', "Depending on the amount of mass an object has and the distance it is from another object, they will be attracted more or less."

His face, back to normal now, looks slightly confused before he pieces everything together, "Uh, yeah. That's what I'm getting from it-"

Mrs. Oldwolf chooses this time to walk over to us, "Aphmau, Castor, what are you two talking about?"

"The packet you gave us, Mrs. Oldwolf," Castor answers for the both of us.

She processes this for a moment, "Hmm, okay you two. Just make sure to get it done."

She walks away while I turn back towards Castor, "Thanks, Cas! Now we should really get this done-"

The bell interrupts me, "Huh, off to... Aph, we have a free period next. Want to see if we can go outside to the soccer field?"

"Huh, oh yeah. I'm up to playing soccer!"

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