Chapter One

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"You got your shoes on?" I ask softly as I enter Xavier's room.
"Yes mommy." He replies pushing his little glasses up his nose. I hold my hand out to him and he grasps it and we walk into the hallway. As we reach the bottom of the stairs there's a knock at the front door. I release my sons small hand and make my way towards it.

 I release my sons small hand and make my way towards it

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"Hey..." Adrian says quietly. I shift uncomfortably and divert my eyes from his.
"Hi... come in, I have to finish packing his bag." I inform him nervously. He nods and steps into the house. He softly shuts the door behind him as Xavier comes shuffling from the living room.
"Daddy!" He smiles as he rubs up to his father.
"Hey man!" He chuckles bending down to his level.

He swoops him from the ground and kisses his cheek. X giggles and wraps his arms around his fathers neck. He stands up straight and looks over at me.
"You um... gonna get his bag?" Adrian asks and I immediately wipe the smile off of my face that I didn't know I had. I nod and clear my throats before quickly parting from them.

I shove the rest of his clothes into his bag and make my way back to them.
"We were at the restaurant with mommy's friend and-"
"Who's mommy's friend?" Adrian cuts him off.
"His name is Ray! He's funny daddy. Anyway this lady was bringing someone their drink and she tripped and spilled it all over my new shoes you bought me!" He exclaims. I giggle to myself and make my presence known.

"Wow really? That sucks. Did you get them washed?" Adrian questions and X nods.
"Luckily!" He says as his glasses begin to fall down the bridge of his nose again. Adrian fixes them before he chuckles.
"Alright man... lets let mommy have her alone time." He voices standing from the couch. Xavier hops up and runs over to me.
"Love you mommy! See you Tuesday." He says hugging my legs.

I pick him up and kiss his cheek before squeezing him tight.
"Love you more baby. Call me before you go to bed." I say before letting him down. Xavier nods before running off towards the door. I look up catching my eyes with Adrian's and immediately look away.
"Who's Ray? Not like trying to be all in your business just curious. Not that it's really of my business. I just want to know I guess. He your boyfriend?" Dri rambles making me giggle.

Shaking my head I push my hair behind my shoulders.
"He's just a friend." I say. He licks his lisp and slowly makes his way towards me.
"Good. I mean um..." He trails off before huffing. He gets in front of me and I begin to breathe heavily.
"Please Adrian I don't want to go through this again..." I say as his hands grasps mine.

"Why? Why won't you just let me have a chance?" He questions, his voice cracking. I shake my head as my eyes begin to water. His tattooed hand lifts my chin making me look at him. His blue-green eyes pierce into mine making me stop breathing for a moment.
"Stop..." I whisper as he pulls me closer to him.
"Jas please..." He whispers back. I clench my eyes shut as his lips touch my cheek.

"Move Adrian." I call out softly. His head falls into my neck and he wraps his arms tightly around me.
"You know how much it hurts to be without you baby?" He questions against my skin. "Jasmine please.." He begs lifting his face again. He leans in to kiss my lips but I quickly turn my face. His teeth bite into his fleshy bottom lip and he slowly releases me.

"I'm ready to make things right again..." He starts. "But if you're still trying to get there baby I'll wait, wait as long as it takes. Or I'll wait until somebody fills that spot that I did once... but just remember Jasmine... who's gonna love you like me?" He says. When I don't answer he grips Xavier's book bag and his bag with his clothes in it and begins to walk out. "I love you." He finally says before disappearing behind the wall.

"Why do you look so down beautiful?" Ray asks pulling me into his side. I sigh and lay my head on his chest.
"Just miss my baby." I say softly and he chuckles letting his hand rub my lower back.
"He'll be back before you know it." He says and I look up at him. I give him a smile and he returns it.

He leans down slightly and places a kiss on my forehead. I let my eyes flutter closed as his hand gets lower.
"I know it's him ma..." He says softly before removing my hair from in front of my face. I let out another sigh and he grips my bottom lightly.
"He keeps telling me how much he wants me back. I-I just don't want to relive my past with him." I explain truthfully.

"Don't worry about him baby... it's me and you now. Okay?" He says softly. I nod and let a small smile come across my lips.
"Okay." I agree and he bends down to press a kiss to my lips. My eyes flutter closed and he pulls me into his lap. Our lips make light smacking noises and his hands rub my ass. "Mmm..." I moan into his mouth.

"You're so damn beautiful." He mumbles onto my lips as I continue to attack his. My hands work quickly to fumble with his belt buckle and he chuckles. "Slow down baby it ain't going no where." He says. As I pull off his belt my phone blares loudly beside me. Sighing I pop my lips off of his and reach for the device.
"Hello?" I ask softly.

"Jas? Xavier wants to say goodnight." Adrian's deep and raspy voice says. I smile softly and Ray grips my hips.
"Okay." I reply and I hear rustling until I hear my sons voice.
"Hey mommy! I just wanted to say I love you and that I hope you sleep well." He says cutely. Ray's lips travel along my neck and he nips my sweet spot making me bite my bottom lip hard. "Mommy? You there?" He asks.

"Y-yeah baby... mommy loves you too. Don't let the bed bugs bite my love." I say.
"I won't. Love you. Daddy says goodnight also." He adds.
"Tell him I said goodnight... bye baby." I whisper. He says his goodbyes and I hear the three beeps indicating that the call had ended
Its boring now but I promise things will get juicy/spicy/steamy :)
(BTW Trey plays Ray) comment/vote💕

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