Chapter Fourteen

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 "I don't need no damn help!" Adrian shouts at me making me jump

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"I don't need no damn help!" Adrian shouts at me making me jump.
"The hell if you don't! You're still doing it even after you landed in the fucking hospital!" I yell back and he stomps over to me.
"Fuck up Jen! You ain't me so stop fucking worrying so much." He growls and pushes up against me. I shake my head and angrily push him away from me causing him to stumble. His bloodshot eyes glare at me and he swiftly picks me up. He tosses me roughly onto the bed and clenches his fists. "Don't put your hands on me yo! I'll fuck you up girl!" He threatens, pointing his finger in my face. My eyes burn with tears and I let them slip down my cheek.
"I thought it would be nice to finally be with you but you've turned into a depressed druggie! I gave up everything for you!" I scream and he scoffs.
"Shut the fuck up." He grits and I continue to sob.
"This isn't who you are Adrian..." I whisper and he clenches his jaw.

"I'm leavin'." He says before stomping over to the dresser. He snatches his keys from on top of it and begins to leave the room. I hear his heavy boots stomp down the stairs and then a few minutes later the front door slams shut. I shake my head and let tears continue to stream down my face as I run to the balcony. I pull the double doors open and look over the railing.

Adrian stands in the driveway, already staring up at me as if he knew I'd be coming out here

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Adrian stands in the driveway, already staring up at me as if he knew I'd be coming out here. I sob lowly and he clenches his jaw tightly before resting his back on the car door. He slips down to the ground and begins to let his own tears fall from his face. I walk back into our room and head out of the door. I make my way down the hallway before descending the stairs. I pull the front door open once I finally get downstairs. Adrian was still slumped on the ground, his hands shaking from how hard he was crying. My bottom lip trembles as I walk over to him.
"Baby..." I whisper but he continues to rock back and forth, his head in his hands. His hands pull at his black curls as he lets out loud sobs.
"Why you have to call them? Why you ain't just-just let me die?!" He cries, finally looking up at me. His eyes were puffy and red.

"Adrian don't!" I scold as more tears escape my eyes.
"I'm serious! I don't want to be here! My life is a wreck! Ever since I met Jasmine everything has gone downhill. She manipulated me into cutting off contact with my family, she made me believe she loved me. I got a child with this woman!" He rants and his face becomes red. "And my baby man... my fucking baby is dead. What am I supposed to do Jennie? My world was taken away from me in the blink of an eye. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. The last time I looked at her she was laying in that bed... cords and shit hooked to her. She wasn't even recognizable man. That accident fucked my baby's face up. And I envy the man that Nia is with now. He walked away with a few broken bones but my baby is gone! She ain't coming back!" He cries out, his hands waving frantically as he talks. "You, you came in and-and I felt like I had to stay here, for Norah. But I don't want to Jennie! I don't baby!" He sobs and leans his head back against the car.

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