Chapter Three

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(Thank you to my lovely readers for showing me a lot of support on this book. I was iffy about writing this at first. Love you guys 💕)

"Alright class, take out the notes page that we did yesterday. This is the only thing you can use for today's test." I say as I roll up my sleeves and grab the stack of papers that sat on my desk.
"Mr. Brown..." One of the girls in the front of the classroom whines. "I don't know anything." She complains. I chuckle and begin to hand out the test.
"Well I've been telling you to study for the past week hun, nothing I can do about you not knowing it now. I've also told you to stay after but that never happened." I say patting her desk after I set the test in front of her.

"But most of us girls can't pay attention in this class." She says making me raise my brows.
"And why is that?" I ask before tapping a boys shoulder to wake him up.
"Because! Look at you, to damn fine for us to pay attention to anything you're saying. Unless you telling us to strip we ain't listening to nothing." She says making my ace flush red.
"Alright that's enough... start your test." I mumble with a shy smile.
"Look Shana! You got him blushing!" One of her friends shout and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Please start your test ladies." I say and Shana picks up her pen.
"Yes Mr. Brown." She flirts before licking her lips at me. I chuckle and go to sit behind my desk. I watch over the class as time passes slowly. I catch Shana's eyes and she eyes me weirdly. Horny ass teenage girls. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out. Jasmines name flashes across the screen. "No phones in class Adrian." Shana taunts making a few classmates giggle. I stand up and begin to walk out the room. As I pass her I give her a smirk that makes her blush and look down.

"Yes Jasmine?" I say softly as I step from the classroom.
"Hey Dri... do you mind dropping off Xavier to me? I'll be getting home a little late so I'll need to start dinner right away." She says.
"Yeah no problem baby... if you want I can pick something up for you guys to eat..." I suggest and the line is silent for a moment.
"That'd be perfect Adrian thank you." She says in her soft voice.
"No problem ma... see you later." I mumble looking through the window of the door to check on the class.
"See you." She says before the line goes dead.

I walk back in silently and take my seat back at my desk. I pick up the stack of homework's and begin to grade them. Time passes and before I know it the bell is getting ready to ring.
"Alright class," I say gently gathering their attention. "No homework tonight. If you're still working on the test you have until the bell rings if you're finished turn it on the blank side and I'll collect them." I announce and students begin to turn over their paper.

Five minutes passes and the bell goes off, signaling that it's the end of class. Students pack their things and I stand from my seat.
"You guys have a good night, I'll see you tomorrow." I say standing by the door dismissing my students. When they're gone I step back in letting the door close behind me. "Shana, you have to go sweetheart." I say as she scribbles numbers on her paper.
"One second Mr. Brown." She says and I nod and begin to pick up the test papers that were scattered along the desks.

"Wow..." A voice says from behind me as I feel a hand grip me through my pants. I quickly push it away and turn to glare at the young girl. "I didn't know it was that big." She giggles and I swallow nervously.
"You, out now!" My voice booms and she bites her bottom lip.
"Oh c'mon Adrian... I see the way you look at me." She smiles making me twist my face up.
"Shana you are seventeen years old! What you're trying to do is inappropriate and can get me into some serious trouble! Please leave!" I yell making her take a step backwards.

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