Chapter Ten

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 I let out yet another shaky breath as I continue to listen to Adrian force the contents he's eaten today up his throat

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I let out yet another shaky breath as I continue to listen to Adrian force the contents he's eaten today up his throat. I was currently sitting on the floor at the end of the bed trying to gather my thoughts. I blink back my tears and wipe under my nose with the sleeve of my white sweater. I look around the room, searching for nothing in particular. It was dark and the only light seeping in was coming from the underneath the bathroom door.
"Fuck..." I hear him groan and then the flush of the toilet. The faucet begins to run and slowly I climb back into the bed. I slip my body underneath the comforter and stare into the darkness. The bathroom door opens allowing light to invade the room. He flicks the light to the bathroom off and I hear him make his way over to the bed.

The bed shifts as he climbs on top of it and I bite into my bottom lip. I take a quiet deep breath as his arms wrap around me. The scars on the inside of his arms and wrists rub against my skin and I loose it. I sob audibly and he holds me tighter.
"Baby..." He calls out softly only making me cry harder. "Jen what's the matter ma?" He asks but all I can do is keep up the flow of tears. His lips touch my neck making me clench my eyes shut. "Stop crying please. Tell me what's the matter." He says as he turns my small body to face his. His thumbs wipe under my eyes as I finally allow them to open.
"Why're you doing this Dri?" I ask and his eyes contact from mine. He clenches his jaw and removes his arms from around me.
"We ain't talking about this right now." He grumbles and lays on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
"Yes Dri! You're forcing yourself to throw up! Cutting yourself! Baby I don't want to see you like this." I say as I climb onto his lap. He stays still and I watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows.

"Go back to sleep." He says softly but I shake my head.
"Adrian I love you and I'm not going to let you keep hurting yourself." I say as my tears begin to hit his chest. The baby's cry evokes through the baby monitor and Dri begins to stand up. He drops me carelessly on the bed and exits the room. Sobs leave my lips once more as I curl myself up into a ball. Adrian has been very distant since the baby was born. Something inside me was telling me he was still holding on to what Jasmine had said to him. It's been three months since he's seen Xavier and tomorrow he was planning on making another trip to her house. About twenty minutes pass and Dri re-enters the room. He looks at me for a second before climbing into the bed and underneath the comforter. "Good night Dri I love you." I call out softly to him. He stays silent causing me to sigh and lay with my back facing his.
"Goodnight." He grumbles making me shake my head and my heart to ache.

I carefully pull into the driveway and park my car. I take in a deep breath before stepping from the car. The rain slams down on me as I make my way to her front door. Her car was in the driveway so I guess I finally caught her while she was home. I climb the few steps that lead to the porch before knocking on the door.
"Hold on!" I hear her voice call and my heart pounds rapidly. I swallow the lump in my throat as I hear the locks turn on the door. Her chocolate face comes into view but she hasn't seen me yet. She swipes her hair from her face and looks up at me. "What the hell do you want?" She asks bitterly. I lick my lips and step closer to her.
"Can I see my son?" I ask softly and she laughs at me.
"Fuck no! Get out of here Dri!" She chuckles and pushes me back by my chest.
"Jasmine please... I-I don't have to take him just let me see him for a minute." I beg and bring myself closer once again.

She rolls her eyes at me as she lets out another bitter laugh

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She rolls her eyes at me as she lets out another bitter laugh.
"Bye Adrian he's with his daddy." She smirks and I growl in anger. My hand grips her neck and I push us both into the house. I kick the door shut with my foot before lifting her and slamming her small frame onto the ground. She moans in pain but I don't care.
"Stand up bitch!" I yell and she shakes in fear. Slowly she gets herself up and I send a smack to her face. "I'm tired of you keeping my son away from me and treating me as if I was the one doing all the wrong! You been fucking me over since the first day we fucked! Telling me you want me then kicking me the fuck out afterwards! I want my son bitch and I ain't leaving here without him!" I scream as tears flow down her face.
"O-okay Dri! I'll call Ray and tell him to come back." She sobs and I clench my jaw as I sit down on her couch.

"Make that shit quick!" I grit and she scrambles to get her phone from her pocket. She taps at the now shattered screens as I glare over at her. My chest was heaving and I was beyond livid.
"Ray... yeah c-can you guys head back?" She asks him and I zone out the rest of their conversation. My legs bounce impatiently as I wait. After a while the door opens and I stand from my seat on the couch. Jasmine stares at me as I make my way towards the front door.
"Fuck are you doing here?" Ray asks but I ignore him.
"Daddy!" Xavier yells and wraps his arms around my legs. I smile and pick him up.
"How are you man?" I ask with a smile and he shrugs.
"I missed you." He says and I chuckle a little.
"I missed you too but mommy thought that she could keep you away from me. Go say bye you're coming over." I say sitting him back down. He quickly runs over to his mother and says his goodbyes. After he's come back to me I pick him back up and head out the door.
"I hate you Adrian." Jasmines voice says from behind me. I laugh and slam her front door behind me before making my way over to my car.
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