Chapter Eight

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I huff as I continue to throw punches at the red bag in front of me. My phone dings distracting me and I hit the bag a few more times before taking the gloves off and grabbing my phone.


Remember this? 😭😍

I smile softly to myself as I watch the video over and over again

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I smile softly to myself as I watch the video over and over again.
She was so damn pretty... silly little girl too.
I respond and set my phone back down. I place my gloves back on and continue what I was doing. My mind wanders off to Jasmine, something that I couldn't seem to stop myself from doing, and I hit the bag harder. I couldn't understand why she didn't want me. Every time I was with her I treated her as if she was a queen. After she got pregnant with Xavier she would pick and choose when she wanted me to be around. I damn near missed seeing him be born because she told everyone, her family, not to tell me she was going into labor. I thought that after he was born that we could work out a relationship but I was proved wrong many times. She acted like she wanted me when she had gone to long without sex but the next morning she turned into a manic. Throwing shit at me and telling me I wasn't supposed stay the night. Only a few times she would be happy to see me the next morning. Leading me on was what she was best at.

"Damn Adrian! What the damn bag do to you?!" My friend Luca says as he appears in front of me. I stop punching and let my head fall back. My throat tightens as the urge to cry becomes strong.
"Why can't anything go right?" I whisper and he sighs loudly.
"Man you gotta stop all this crying! It's not gonna get you anywhere!" He says and I clench my jaw.
"I can't stop it. I fucking lost something that meant the most to me! I can't get that back man! I can't! Jennie's bringing another little girl into this world and I'm afraid of hating her because my baby can't be here. My baby was taken so that she could come into this world." I croak and he shakes his head at me.

"You never hate a child for something that has happened before they were even here. That baby didn't ask to be made. You two laid down and made that child. You need to just relax a little, go see a therapist or something." He mumbles before taking a drink from a water bottle. I bottle up my fist and clench my jaw.
"I don't need no fucking help! I gotta get home. Jen is on bed rest and I can't leave her there to long by herself." I grumble before grabbing my things and heading out. I hear him call out my name but I ignore him as I slip out of the building. I jog over to my car and open the back door and throw my stuff inside. I get myself situated in the front seat and speed out of the parking lot. Fifteen minutes later I find myself stuck in a traffic jam on the high way. "Fuck!" I yell and hit the steering wheel. In front of me there was a huge gap between two cars making me huff. "Move up you fucking idiot!" I shout out the window and a man steps from the car.

"Shut the fuck up man! Even if I move up we ain't going no where!" He yells back making my face reddens in anger. I also step out of my car and make my way towards him.
"Get your stupid ass back in that car and move the fuck up." I growl and he chuckles bitterly.
"I don't know who pissed in your Cheerios this morning but you need to watch who you're talking to." He says and I shove him. 
"I ain't gotta watch shit!" I yell and right as he goes to swing a hit at me someone else steps from his car.
"Baby just get in! We don't have time for you to be out here fighting!" A light skin girl says to him. He glares at me before stomping back over to his car and sliding inside of it.

I grumble to myself as I make my way back to my car. After about a half hour I'm finally off the highway and I speed the rest of the way home. I swerve into the driveway, park the car and step out. I slam the door behind me and amble to the house after I've locked the car. I get the front door unlocked and step inside.
"Hey baby." Jennie says as she stands from the couch. I look at her and slightly nod my head before making my way upstairs. I go into our room then straight into the bathroom that was connected to it. I get a shower started and quickly strip of my clothing before stepping in. I grab my cloth and dump some Axe body wash onto it.

As I run the cloth around my body the shower door opens and I feel her slip in behind me.
"You okay Dri?" She asks as she presses up against me. Her round stomach touches my back and I close my eyes.
"I'm good ma don't worry bout me." I say she she sighs. I turn around and wet my hair, my eyes still closed. I feel her grip the cloth from my hand and I open my eyes to meet hers.
"You're to tense..." She whispers and leans forward to let her lips press against my chest. I flutter my eyes away from hers and focus on the water that was hitting my body. I clench my jaw as she soft hand wraps around my limp member.
"Jen..." I whisper and she tightens her grip. I grunt and place my hand on the small of her back.

My head falls back as she begins to stoke me slowly. I hiss as her hand wraps around my tip and she makes that her main focus.
"I hate seeing you like this." She says softly as her hands keep their motion. I moan and clench my eyes shut as I harden in her hand. She adds the other one and strokes me as if she was grinding pepper. My breath hitches in my throat and my eyes flutter open and closed. The water hits my face as she moans softly in front of me. Minutes pass, silent minutes, and I come close to the edge.
"I'm almost there baby..." I warn her and she bites her bottom lip. I bend down to capture my lips with hers as I begin to throb in her hand. As I get ready to release she lets go and holds her stomach.
"Adrian..." She gasps and my eyes widen.
"Are you-"
"She's coming!" She cries out in pain making me panic.
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