Chapter Sixteen

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"Get it through your thick fucking skull! I don't love you Adrian! Never have and I never will!" I scream at him as he stands by my bedroom door.
"You real fucking contradicting yo. We was just laid up in your bed fucking with you screaming out that you love me now you don't? What the fuck is wrong with you? You enjoy making me hurt?" He asks as he continues to buckle up his belt. I roll my eyes at him before tearing the sheets from the bed.
"I say it because I'm in the moment you idiot." I spit and he stares at me. After a few seconds he clears his throat and grabs his shirt from the floor.
"I'm taking my son home with me." He mumbles and I shake my head.
"No! It's not your day." I say before running after him as he makes his way down the hallway. He quickly slips into Xavier's room and I'm right behind him. "You're not taking him!" I scream as he bends down and lifts the two year old child from his race car bed. I tug on his shirt, causing him to loose his balance and fall, dropping Xavier in the process.

He erupts into loud screams and I quickly bend down to pick him up.
"Look what you did!" I yell down at Adrian as I cradle X against my chest. Adrian struggles to stand from the ground as he grunts.
"Fuck you mean?! You're tugging on me! Give me my son!" He grits and reaches for Xavier. I snatch away from him and grit my teeth.
"You aren't getting him nigga! Fuck you!" I spit as the baby continues to cry loudly. Dri clenches his jaw before closing his eyes. He inhales deeply before exhaling and reopening his eyes. They were watery and he attempts to blink back his tears.
"You say it ain't my day to have him but was I saying that when you been holding him from me these last two weeks? I'll be damned if my son grows up to hate be because you." He says before walking closer to me. He grips Xavier and forcefully pulls him from my arms. "Not he gotta busted lip from ya dumb ass. You can explain this shit to his teacher cause I ain't explaining this one. I'm tired of lying." He says before pushing me out of the way and walking down the hallway. My chest heaves in anger as I watch him walk away. I snatch one of X's blocks from the floor and toss it through the hallway. It hits his head and he stumbles once more but catches his fall.

"Fuck!" He screams out and grips the railing tightly. His head begins to leak blood and he hisses. "You ain't have to do that man!" He says as he rocks to attempt to ease the pain. He sets a whimpering Xavier down and clutches the spot.
"You gone go to the hospital or you gone take my son?" I ask as I walk over to him. He looks up at me before shaking his head.
"You need fucking help." He says before standing and making his way downstairs. I swoop Xavier from the ground and watch as he makes his way to the front door, slamming the door shut once he gets outside.

"Sit up baby." I mumble as I tap Jennie's backside. She moans tiredly and shakes her head.
"No..." She whispers and wraps herself tighter around me. I chuckle lightly and kiss the side of her face. "I told you I could only sit with you for a few minutes, I gotta head to work babe." I say softly and she sighs.
"Fine, give me a kiss." She says and leans back. I grip her chin and place a peck on her soft lips. "I love you." She mumbles and I kiss her once more.
"I love you too." I say before she slips from my lap and lays back on the couch. I toss a blanket over her and grab my phone from the coffee table. "Xavier should be waking up soon. I already pulled out the stuff for his smoothie all you gotta do is help him blend it. He got a little fake knife in there he cuts the fruit with." I say and she smiles up at me.
"You guys are so cute." She giggles and I flush lightly as I roll my eyes playfully.
"I'll see you later." I say before picking up my laptop and heading out.

"Mr. Brown what are we doing today?" A boy asks me as I adjust my glasses.
"Uh... nothing. It's the end of the year. You seniors been through some shit this year." I chuckle, gaining a few laughs around the room. "So we can chill, watch a movie-"
"Lets play a game!" One of the girls suggest and I look over at her.
"What do you have in mind darling?" I ask ask she smirks. I raise my eyebrow and shake my head. "I don't even wanna know." I laugh and she pouts.
"Twenty-One questions." Another girl says and I twist my lips. "But we get to ask you the questions." She says and I squint my eyes.
"Well that ain't fair." I say and she nods.
"Yes it is! You never told us anything about you!" She says and I sigh deeply as I smile.
"Alright shoot." I say and lean back on my desk.
"How many kids do you have. We know about Xavier and Adriana but do you have anymore?" A kid asks and I nod.
"Uh yeah, me and my girlfriend Jen just brought a baby girl into the world... about five months ago." I say and the all nod.
"Tell us your full name." A boy says and I lick my lips.
"Adrian Maurice Brown." I say and the girls let out some 'oohhs'. "Y'all something else." I laugh before another question is shot my way.

"You gonna miss us?" Another boy asks and I nod my head.
"Hell yeah. But I know you guys are going on to do better things. It was beautiful watching you guys grow throughout the years and it gives me something to look forward to with my son and daughters- daughter. Son and daughter." I clear my throat and smile.
"Mr. Brown?" A shy girl asks as she raises her hand.
"Yeah ma?" I ask and she blushes and fiddles with her fingers.
"How do you do it?" She asks and u furrow my brows.
"Do what?" I question as I stand up straight.
"Move on, cope with life." She says and I stare at her for a moment.
"You can't let anything hold you back. No matter what or who it is. You gotta move on." I voice softly and look up at them. They all have smiles on their face that warms my heart. It's silent for a moment until the bell rings. "You guys enjoy the college life and make good decisions. I love you guys, really." I say and a few of them wipe tears from theirs eyes before standing.
"Bye Mr. Brown!" They say as they wave and exit the classroom.
"Bye y'all!" I smile and watch them all walk out.
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