Chapter Two

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My phone blares loudly beside me making me jump from my sleep.
"Shit..." I grumble reaching blindly for it. Xavier snores lightly on my chest reminding me that I had to be quiet. "Hello?" I speak in my sleepy voice.
"Take the phone away from your ear..." Jasmine giggles. I furrow my brows and pull the phone away seeing her face in the screen.

"My bad..." I say wiping my face with my hand.
"Where's X?" She asks and I pan the camera over him. "Awe!" She squeals. "Screenshot!" Her voice says making me smile lightly.
"Why you gotta take pictures of me looking like this?" I ask jokingly.
"Boy please I'm not worried about you. My baby just looks so cute." She laughs.

I smile as she sets her phone down and starts her makeup. I watch her in silence as she begins to do her eyebrows. Her breast bounce lightly in her bra as she moves around making me lick my lips. Three years, three years that I've been without her. I missed having her next to me every morning, the smell of breakfast because she would never let her man go hungry. I missed being inside her, and it killed me to think another man was getting what was rightfully mine.

"Jasmine..." A deep voice mumbles from over the phone. I furrow my brows and stare at the phone harder.
"Yes Ray?" She says sweetly turning to look at the man who owned the voice.
"Breakfast is done, I'm not really hungry because I had my fill this morning but you can help yourself." He says and she blushes deeply. My face reddens from anger and I clear my throat.
"I'll call you when he wakes up." I say before hanging up the call.

I gently remove Xavier from my chest and lay him on my bed. Sighing I run my hand down my face before disappearing into the hallway. Three knocks sound at my front door making me groan. I rub my bare chest as I make my way down the stairs.
"Hold on yo!" I yell as the banging gets harder. I make my way to the door and unlock it before ripping it open.
"About damn time Adrian! I've been knocking for like an hour!" Nia yells making me glare at her.

"Fuck up yo! You ain't been banging for no damn hour cause I been up for a minute! And shut your trout mouth ass up my son sleep!" I yell as she shoves her way into the house.
"You're an ass! Here take her, you fucking deadbeat." She spits shoving my daughter into my arms. I roll my eyes and mush her face.
"Get the fuck out." I growl at her. She looks me up and down before rolling her eyes and walking out, slamming the door behind her.

Adriana whimpers tiredly and shoves her face into my neck. Sighing I rub her back and walk towards the kitchen.
"You hungry ma?" I ask softly and she nods. I set her in a chair and go over to the fridge. I pulled out some bacon, a pack of eggs, a few potatoes, orange juice, and a few vegetables. I sit that stuff on the counter before pulling out fruits for X's smoothie. He didn't eat meat so this always substituted for that in his breakfast. My eyes begin to bother me so I tell Adri that I'll be back and make my way up stairs.

I snag my glasses from my dresser and quickly slip them on my face.
"Daddy?" I hear Xavier call out behind me as I'm making my way from the room.
"Morning man..." I say softly before walking over to him.
"Morning..." He mumbles rubbing his eyes. Once he gets the sleep from them he stares up at me with the bright orbs. The blue in his eyes overpowered the green just like mine but his sister was different. Her eyes beamed green with just a lining of blue around them, it was most likely because of her mothers eyes.

"Your sisters here." I smile softly as he reaches over on my side dresser to grab his glasses. He slips them onto his face and smiles.
"Really?!" He cheeses and I nod and chuckle lightly.
"Yeah... c'mon lets go brush our teeth and then head downstairs." I say and he nods and climbs into my lap. I stand up holding him and move into the bathroom that connected with my room.

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