Chapter Seventeen

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"Why you always gotta stress me out?! Fuck you mean you're filing for full custody?" I shout at Jasmine as we stand in her driveway. She laughs and shakes her head.
"I'm filing for full custody. What part of this do you not understand? Now leave Adrian I'm gonna be late for work." She says as she pushes on my chest. She unlocks her car and opens the door as I follow closely behind her.
"C'mon Jasmin! Don't do this to me please! You know how much my kids mean to me." I say as I grip her arm. She yanks herself away and glares at me.
"I don't give a fuck what your kids mean to you! The only one that matters to me is my son! I could give a fuck less about your other ones." She spits and I swallow the lump in my throat.
"Jasmine..." I beg and she rolls her eyes.
"Move away from me Adrian before I call the police." She grits and I clench my fists.
"Have him bring him out to me. Let me take him for the night please." I say and she roughly shoves me back.
"He's not yours anymore!" She yells before slipping into her car and slamming the door shut. She quickly pulls out of the driveway and I stand there shaking.

I stomp up to the front door and begin to ram into it.
"Y'all ain't keeping my fucking son from me!" I yell as I hear the wood crack. Xavier's loud cries erupt from the inside but I keep hitting the door. Soon it falls of its hinges and I walk into the house. My shoulders bob as I breathe heavily and I look around.
"Get out of here." Ray says and I chuckle bitterly.
"I ain't going no damn where without my kid." I say and he laughs. I growl before raising my fist and striking him in the mouth. He stumbles back and looks up at me surprised. In a blink of and eye we're rolling around the floor fighting.
"Daddy stop!" Xavier screams as my fists raise and plummet down into his face. Ray groans in pain and X pulls on my collar. My chest heaves as I stare down at the battered man.
"Lets go X." I demand after a moment and look over at him. He shakes his head and begins to shy away from me. "Xavier... come here man." I stand up and reach for him but moves back further and begins to cry.

He snatches Ray's phone from the floor and runs off into the nearest bathroom. I sigh roughly and slowly follow behind him.
"Xavier..." I say softly as I knock lightly on the door.
"Please help... mommy's boyfriend is all beat up! My daddy hurt him bad!" I hear X say and my heart begins to hammer against my rib cage.
"Xavier." I say but he keeps talking.
"Please come quickly he's at the door!" He says and I begin to panic. I begin to leak tears as I pull at the doorknob. No matter how hard I tried to get him to let me in, nothing worked.

"I grant you, Jasmine Williams, full custody of Xavier Maurice Brown."

I blink and look up at the judge as I try to let the words sink in

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I blink and look up at the judge as I try to let the words sink in. A few gasps are hear as I sit frozen in shock.
"Your honor..." I voice shakily but she slams her gavel down and begins to stand.
"Case dismissed!" She calls out and begins to pack up her things. My lawyer grips my shoulders and tries to comfort me.
"Adrian..." I hear Jen say softly as I look over at X who sat next to Ray in the audience. He looks over at me, confusion written all over his little face. Next my eyes travel over to Jasmine who finishes gathering her files. Her eyes meet mine and she lets a barley noticeable smirk spread across her lips. My heart crumbles into a thousand and I feel the urge to cry. I quickly begin to gather my things and make my way outside.
"Adrian." I hear my mothers voice but I keep walking.
"This ain't real Dri... this ain't real." I laugh as I begin to let tears slip down my cheeks. I get to my car and unlock it and stumble to get inside.
"Adrian!" I hear my name being called once more and I finally turn around.
"Yeah?" I croak as Jennie jogs up to me.

"Baby... you okay?" She ask and I nod.
"I'm good. I'm good! Lets just get home. You wanna drive, you drive baby I don't feel like driving. I'll get the baby in the car you just get settled in the front." I ramble as I try to control my breathing.
"Adrian, you're not okay." She says and I laugh it off.
"Just get in the car baby. I'm gonna go grab Norah." I say and I don't wait for an answer before walking off. My mom stands across the street, cradling Norah in her arms as she waits for me.
"Baby I'm so sorry." She says and I give her a forced smile.
"We can't control everything momma... I love you. I'll call you tomorrow." I say as I reach for the baby. She nods and kisses my cheek.
"Love you Adrian." She says and I swallow the lump in my throat as I make my way back to the car. I strap Norah in and make my way to the front seat. My eyes catch Jasmine, Ray  and Xavier loading into a car and I close my eyes to hold back my tears.

  I open the car door and slip into it. Jennie starts the car and slowly drives down the road. After a whole of silence her hand comes over to hold mine. I clench my jaw as her thumb caresses the top of my hand.
"Adrian... talk to me." She says softly and my throat begins to ache.
"There's nothing to talk about Jen. Just get us home please, I want to sleep." I croak and she squeezes my hand.
"Okay..." She says and the rest of the ride home is silent.
Its short but 🤷🏽‍♀️

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