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"C'mon baby, hurry that ass up." I say before swatting her round, chocolate backside. She squeals lightly before turning to send me a cute glare. Chuckling I grip her cheeks and place a kiss on her pouted lips. "Your fine ass gone make me late to my daddy's birthday party." I mumble against the pink flesh of her lips and she looks up at me with her deep brown eyes.
"I'm hurrying... you know sometimes I wish I could have met him." She says and I stare at her for a moment before pulling back.
"Me too." I voice softly before turning towards the sink. I grab my tooth brush and prepare it to brush my teeth.
"I heard you act and look just like him. Such a sweetheart and so handsome at the same time." She mumbles against the skin of my back and I contain a smile as I brush my teeth. "If he was here he'd be my sugar daddy and you'd be my stepson." She giggles and I stop brushing and find her eyes in the mirror. She laughs loudly and I spit the toothpaste from my mouth and turn to look at her.
"Don't get fucked up girl." I smirk deviously at her and she bites into her bottom lip.
"What? I heard he was very handsome." She gives me her own little devilish smirk and I reach my hand out. I grip her neck and pull her closer to me. She gasps lowly and places her hands on my bare chest.
"Stop fuckin' wit me." I mumble against her lips before biting into her lower one.
"Yes daddy..." She moans out and I chuckle as I release her.
"Nasty ass." I laugh before placing another slap on her ass. I watch it jiggle and grip it in both my hands. "Damn I'll never get tired of this thing." I say as I make it shake in my hands. She laughs and pushes at my chest to get away.

"Oh stop it and hurry up! You're rushing me but you're over here playing with my ass." She laughs lightly to herself before she disappears from the bathroom. I smile softly to myself as I turn back towards the sink. I turn the water back on and wash my face quickly before heading back into the bedroom. I snag my white button up off of the bed before slipping it on. I do up the buttons before grabbing my tie. Khalia slips into her black dress before making her way over to me. She grabs the tie from my hands and begins to fasten it around my neck.
"Thank you baby girl." I mumble as she finishes and she smiles before smoothing out my shirt.
"You're welcome." Her little voice says before she walks away. I gather up all my things, her doing the same before heading out. I grab my suit jacket off of the hook on the door as we make our way out of the room and shut the light off behind me. With me working as a lawyer and her reaching to pursue her career as a psychiatrist, we made good money. I deal with civil cases most of the time but I'm not afraid to take on something else. She worked at a center where she tires to help sex offenders, rapists and pedophiles. To be completely honest it scared the shit out of me. Not that I was afraid of them, I was afraid of what they could do to her. I sigh softly as I slip on my shoes and grab my coat. After putting it on I grab Khalia's fur coat before helping her put it on. Once we're all set I open the front door and let her step out before me.

"Your feet are going to be freezing by the time you get into the car." I chuckle as I eye her heels. She gives me an eye roll as she steps over as much snow as possible. We were taking an Uber because theres a hundred percent chance we were going to be drinking tonight. I open up the back door and allow Khalia to hop in first. Once she's fully in I join her before greeting our driver. "Hi, how're you?" I smile st her and she sends one back.
"I'm good, thank you." She nods before turning her attention towards the road. She gets her GPS settled before pulling off. I sit back in my seat before looking down at baby girl. Her beautiful box braids dangle, blocking her face from my view as she types away on her phone. I reach my hand down and push them from her face before placing a kiss on her temple. "I love you." I mumble and she smiles before turning her face to look at me. Her eyes glance over my face before they land on my lips.
"I love you." She says before placing a peck on my lips. I smile and hook my arm around her shoulders as the ride goes on. Once we finally pull up to my mothers house I fish in my pants for my wallet. Once I locate it I pull out a fifty before waiting for her to stop the car. "Here already?" Khalia asks and I nod before handing over the money.
"Keep the change and thank you so much." I say to the driver before opening the car door. I slide out before holding my hand out to Khalia.

She takes it in her own before carefully stepping from the car. I close the door behind her and we start walking towards the house. Music blared and party decorations were everywhere.
"Xavier! Hi how're you baby?" My Grandma asks when she notices me. I release K's hand before embracing her in a hug.
"I'm good Grandma, been working. What about you? You're looking good." I smile and she blushes.
"Thank you! I'm doing great." She says and I nod. We converse a little more before I go on my way to find my mom.
"Momma!" I call out catching her attention. She turns around and locates me before gasping.
"Xavier! Oh it's so good to see you baby boy." She smiles as she wraps her arms around me. I laugh and bend down to hug her small frame.
"You know I wouldn't miss this." I smirk lightly and she smiles up at me.

"I know you wouldn't

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"I know you wouldn't." She says softly before patting my back. "Where's Khalia?" She asks and I shrug before looking around.
"Probably somewhere with my cousins." I chuckle and she nods as she adds in a giggle.
"She always did love those girls... anyway I'll let you go say hi to some people... we'll be doing the birthday cake soon so you two get some food." She says and I nod before bending down to kiss her cheek.
"Alright momma." I chuckle before walking off to find my girl. As I thought, I found her with my cousins, already getting her drink on. After I finally persuade her to eat, we make our way into the kitchen to make a dish.

A smile spreads across my lips as I watch out lanterns float up

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A smile spreads across my lips as I watch out lanterns float up. I feel the familiar tightness in my throat, making me clench my eyes shut. When I re-open them I see Khalia staring up in amazement. I sniffle causing her to look back at me and she pouts.
"Awe... baby." She says softly before gripping my face in her hands. I close my eyes, allowing more tears to slip down my cheeks and I feel her lips lightly press against mine. "It's gonna be okay..." She whispers and I smile as I let out a sob.
"I wish he was here." I croak and I feel her arms around me. I hide my face in her neck and she rocks us slowly.
"I know... but he's in a better place... and he's with your sister now." She whispers to me and I nod before placing a small kiss in the crook of her neck.
"I know... I love you baby..." I mumble against her skin and she pulls back and wipes the tears from my freckled cheeks.
"I love you more." She says softly before placing another kiss on my lips.
:) ❤️

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