Chapter Nine

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"Breathe baby..." I say softly as I hold onto Jennie's hands. She heaves, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth.
"Fuck Dri... it hurts so bad." She whines and I frown. My thumbs stroke the top of her hands and she stares at me with her bottom lip trembling. "I didn't know it'd hurt this much." She says as a few tears slip down her cheeks. Bending down I place a soft kiss on her forehead before resting it against hers.
"It'll be worth it in the end baby girl." I whisper against her lips and she looks at me, more tears flowing down her cheeks.
"Hey Dri, I came as soon as I could." I hear my momma's voice say from behind me. I peck Jen's lips quickly before turning around. I walk over to her and pull her into a hug.
"The doctor said she'll be able to push soon. She's almost dilated enough..." I mumble and she smiles.
"That's good... how're you feeling sweety?" Momma asks Jen. She swipes some of her sweaty hair from her face before answering.

"Horrible, it hurts so bad. I just want her to come out already." She says in an airy voice as I make my way back by her side.
"Momma you got a hair tie?" I ask and she nods. She fishes through her purse before walking over to me and handing me one.
"Adrian was a hell of a kid to push out! Look at that head, big as hell." She says causing Jen to giggle. I give her a playful glare before rolling my eyes in the same manner. They converse between each other as I begin to pull Jennie's hair into a ponytail. Once I finally get it up I release her hair as sit in the chair next to her. "Have you told Jasmine about the new baby?" Mom asks me and I sigh and look down at my hands.
"No... I wanted to save myself the headache." I say and her eyes widen.
"Oops..." She says making me furrow my brows.
"What?" I ask and she shifts nervously.
"I told her... she was wondering why I was dropping X off so soon so I told her..." She says and I put my head in my hands.
"Oh momma..." I groan and clutch onto my black curls.

"She's gonna fucking kill me! I'm never going to hear the end of this!" I say mostly to myself.
"She doesn't matter right now Adrian." Jennie says making me look over at her.
"You're right baby I'm sorry." I mumble before standing up to kiss her lips. She gives me a soft smile before she scrunches up her face in pain. The doctor comes through the door and I pull away from her.
"We're going to see if she's finally dilated enough." He says and I clear my throat.
"Uh... what happened to the last doctor? I think she should be in here doing that." I say as he begins to ride up her hospital gown. He chuckles and continues to move it up. I tug it back down and clench my jaw. "Can you bring her back in here. Please." I say sternly and he stares at me before standing up straight.
"Yeah..." He finally agrees and makes his way from in the room.
"Really Dri?" Jen says as she starts to breathe heavily again.
"Yeah! I don't need that nigga all in your pussy! That shit is mine!" I say making my mother gasp. She slaps me in the back of my head and I hiss. "Damn momma! I'm just speaking on how it is!" I say and she threatens to hit me again. I flinch and she rolls her eyes and takes a seat in one of the chairs next to the bed.

"I hear you wanted me here, I'm sorry if there's was any complications. Your mother and father have arrived also." The female doctor says coming into the room with Jens parents trailing behind her.
"Its whatever, I think she's ready to push. Baby girl's over here heaving and sweating up a storm." I say and the doctor giggles lightly. After she's checked to see if she's dilated enough she gives the okay to begin to push. Jennie has about another half hour of contractions before she feels she's ready to push.
"Ah..." She moans in pain and reaches for me. I pull my body closer to hers and allow her to take hold of my hand.
"Breathe, its the most important thing to do right now baby..." I say softly to her and she whines. A whimper leaves her mouth after she gives up a firm push.
"Fuck... Dri it hurts!" She cries and I kiss her cheek.
"It'll her better afterwards ma." I say and she lets tears stream down her delicate face.

"Keep pushing Jen you're almost there!" The doctor encourages her and after about five minutes the doctor announces that she sees a head.
"Almost there Jen!" I whisper against her lips and she screams out as she lets out a final push. Soft cries emerge through the room and I look over. My heart beats wildly as I watch them hold the small child.
"Do you want to cut the cord dad?" The doctor asks and I swallow the lump in my thrust. I nod, not being able to find my voice. The doctor hands me the scissors and my shaky hands take a hold of them. I walk in between Jens legs and look down.
"That's a... that's a lot of blood." I say as my head gets dizzy. "Like a real lot..." I start to sway side to side suddenly feeling woozy. "Momma you see this?" I say out of breath.
"Dri just cut the cord." She giggles and I find myself being assisted. After I hear the snip my vision begins to blur.
"Why she bleeding so much?" I ask before falling back.
"Cradle her head Dri..." Jennie giggles as I hold the small child in my arms. I sniffle and cup her small head in my hand.
"She looks like you." I whisper and clear my throat to stop crying. She smiles softly and lays her head back, closing her eyes.
"I'm so tired now." She says softly and I look over at her. "I can't believe you actually fainted." She giggles making me chuckle lightly. 
"I'm not used to seeing all of that blood." I say in my defense before looking down at my newest child. "Hi beautiful..." I smile down at her. Her brown eyes stare up at me as I stroke her soft cheek. "Daddy's gonna have to buy a shot gun for you." I say seriously and Jen giggles again.
"What should we name her Adrian?" She asks softly as her hand pulls me by my shirt closer to her.
"I don't know..." I say and she sigh. "What about Norah?" I ask as I hand the baby carefully over to her. She plays with the baby's hair before nodding.

"Yeah I like that." She says shooting me a smile. I bend down and kiss her lips firmly. Our eyes flutter closed as our lips make light smacking noises. I pull away abruptly when the door to her room slams open.
"Fuck you Adrian!" Jasmine screams making my eyes widen. I turn around and she stomps over to me. Her hand lifts and in no time is making contact with the side of my face. I hiss and clench my jaw. "You have some nerve! This is why you couldn't take your son lately! You were worried about some hoe that you got knocked up!" She screams and I go to touch her.
"Please Jas don't do this right here. Jennie hasn't done anything to you so don't call her out her name." I say softly but that only seems to anger her farther.
"Fuck her and that fucking baby! I hope you loose that one just like you lost Adriana!" She yells and I stand frozen. My eyes begin to burn with tears as I stare down at her.

"That's fucked up! Why would you say something like that?!" Jen asks from the bed. Jasmine attempts to make her way over to her but I push her back lightly.
"Please just go Jasmine." I croak and she chuckles bitterly.
"You ain't shit Adrian. No wonder why your life is the way it is! You don't deserve anything good! I'm moving away with X! Don't even try to change my mind, say goodbye to me and your son you piece of shit!" She spits and stomps from the room. By now my mom and Jens parents were back in the room and staring at me with widened eyes. Tears begin to flow down my cheeks as I let out a few sobs.
"Dri..." Jen says as I walk back over to her. I sit down in the chair beside her and reach for the baby. Hesitantly she hands her over and I continue to sniffle as I stare down at the child.
"Good always comes with something bad." I chuckle as tears begin to drop from my chin and onto my lap. I sigh and bend down to place a kiss on the babies forehead. "God please help me." I whimper as I clench my eyes shut.
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