Chapter Twelve

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"It really makes you feel numb?" I ask my friend Henry as he hands me the small baggy.
"Yeah... you gotta be careful. That shit is addicting." He warns but I'm not listening. I lick my lips and pop open the small package.
"How much?" I ask as I look over at him.
"Forty." He says and I dig into my pocket for my wallet. I pull out two twenties and hand it to him. "Thank you man..." I say and he nods.
"I'll catch you later man..." He says and daps me up before hopping back into his car and speeding off. I shove the baggy in my pocket as I make my way back into the house.
"Dri is that you?" Jen asks from the top of the stairs.
"Uh... yeah baby." I say as I walk closer to them.
"What're you doing outside so late?" She asks once she sees me. I continue to climb up the stairs and sigh.

"Just needed some air." I say and she squints her eyes at me.
"You're lying." She says and I grip her small waist.
"I promise you that is it. Now go back to bed you need to get your rest, you shouldn't even be walking on your legs after what we did last night." I chuckle and ease myself out of the conversation. She shakes her head with a small smile and walks back towards the room. "I'm gonna check on the baby." I say and she nods before disappearing inside. I turn right into the babies room and shut the door softly behind me. I look over into the crib to see Norah still peacefully sleeping. I smile lightly and bend down to kiss her soft hair. She stirs a bit but thankfully stays asleep. I bite my lip and dig in my pocket for the baggy. I pull it out and walk over the the babies dresser. "How much am I supposed to take?" I mumble to myself before twisting up my lips. I dump the whole baggy out and use my finger to place it in the straightest line I can. I open up Norah's piggy bank that we've started and pull out a random bill. "He wouldn't have given it to me in the same bag if I wasn't supposed to use it all..." I convince myself before rolling up the bill.

 Slowly I inhale the white powder into my system

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Slowly I inhale the white powder into my system. A burning sensation runs through my nose causing me to run it viciously.
"Shit!" I yell and shake my head. My eyes get watery and I grip the edge of the dresser tightly. I blink my eyes repeatedly as I try to regain my vision.  Once I'm finally able to see a bit I stand up straight and wobbly walk towards the door. I struggle to pull it open and when I finally do I stumble into the hallway. "You fucked up now Adrian." I laugh at myself before I trip over my own feet. I fall with a loud thud to the ground and turn on my back. I groan loudly before laughing at myself.
"Adrian, what the hell?" I hear Jennie's voice say as she comes from inside our room.
"Help me up baby." I say trying to make out her face.
"What's wrong with you? What happened?" She asks making me laugh again.
"Just help me up baby..." I mumble and soon I feel her hands grasp my own. I use her to stand up and sling my arms around her waist.

I back her up into a wall and chuckle as I lick her neck.
"Adrian cut it out." She demands but I ignore her. I grip her thighs in my hands before effortlessly lifting her small body. "Adrian put me down! Are you high?!" She yells at me and I bite into her neck.
"I just want to make love to you." I mumble before using one of my hands to attempt to remove her panties.
"No let me down!" She yells but once again I ignore her. I force my sweat pants down and she thrashes in my hold.
"Calm down Jen." I whisper and force my lips onto hers. My heart seems to stop beating and I stop all movement. I release her from my grip and drop to my knees as I hold my chest.
"Dri! Adrian?!" She yells and drops down to my level. Her hands grip my face and she shakes me. My eyes find the back of my head and I mumble incoherent things. "Baby?! I'm calling the ambulance!" She screams before I black out.


"Let me go in with him!" I beg as they wheel him towards the back on a stretcher. The doctor shakes his head at me and pushes me back lightly.
"Ma'am I'm going to need you to go into the waiting room and sit down." He demands sternly and I let more tears slip down my face.
"Is he going to be okay?" I ask in a whisper and he sighs.
"I'm not sure, I'll let you know as soon as possible." He says before walking behind the large double doors. I wrap my arms around myself and sob as I let my head drop.
"Jen, honey is that you?" I head Adrian's mothers voice sound from behind me. I turn around and she scurries over to me. "Is he alright?" She asks as she pulls me into a hug. I shake my head and hug her back.
"I-I don't know... he was just taken back." I croak and she shakes her head.
"My poor baby, what happened to him?" She asks as she pulled back.
"He overdosed." I voice shakily and she gasps, throwing her hand over her mouth.
"On what?" She asks and I fumble wit my fingers.
"Cocaine." I voice softly and she begins to sob.
"Oh Adrian. I knew there was something going on with my baby! We need to get him some help." She cries and I nod my head.
"I wish he would let me in! I want to help him but it seems like all he's in this relationship for is our daughter. I should've known he wasn't going to want to be with me! I started as just a hookup and now I'm just a woman who's trapped him with another child." I cry and she pulls me into her chest.
"Now you stop with that nonsense! If he can't see what good he has in front of him then you make him!" She says sternly through her tears. I cry into her shoulder and clench my eyes shut.
"I just want him to be okay..." I croak and she rubs my back.
"Me too child... me too." She replies softly as she cradled me in her arms.
🙃 it's been almost a month since I updated this and I feel like shit for it. I hope it's enjoyed. Comment/vote ❤️

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