Chapter Eighteen

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"How's Adrian been?" His mother asks and I sigh.
"I don't know honestly... he acts like he's okay but I can see he's not. He barley talks anymore, he won't eat as much and he won't even sleep in the same bed as me. He sleeps in Xavier's old room now. He'll start out in the bed with me and when he thinks I'm sleep he gets up and goes in there." I say and she's silent for a moment.
"My poor baby... I've talked to Jasmine and she said she'll let me see X but she doesn't want Dri to. I don't know what that girls problem is. When Adrian first started messing with the girl he made it seem like they were together but by their conversations I've overheard all she wanted was sex. It's sad because Adrian held onto hope that they would be together one day. He told me he'd intentionally got her pregnant, hoping that if she was going to have his child then she'd have a change in heart. That wasn't the deal though. He'd call her to see how the pregnancy was going and she'd flip. Telling him that she hated him for doing this and that he was the last man she'd willingly have a baby with. She always confused me, made Adrian seem like she wanted him but then treat him like trash. She puts on an innocent front, telling people that he was never good to her but in reality he treated that woman like a queen. She's one hell of an actress I'll tell you that." She says and I wipe the tears that I didn't even know had fallen.

"He's so... so broken. I just want to help him but no matter what I do he just finds a way to push me further from him. He's such a strong man though... he's been through so much and he's still standing." I sniffle and she sighs.
"How long will he be able to take it though? I don't want my son to loose his mind over these things... Hopefully life turns around for him soon." She says and I nod as if she can see me.
"Me too..." I say before I hear footsteps trailing down the stairs. I listen to them come closer to the kitchen before Adrian comes into view. "Mornin' babe." Dri's raspy voice says as he walks over to the fridge. 
"I'll talk to you later hun, gotta get back to shopping." Momma says and we say our goodbyes. I hang up the phone and stare at his bare back. Adriana's face was tattooed on his shoulder, it was such a cute picture of her. "How you feeling?" He asks as he closes the fridge back. 
"I'm alright..." I say and he nods before setting the orange juice on the counter. I'd been feeling sick the past week and I was hoping I wasn't pregnant. I didn't mind having another baby but right now was really not the time.
"You think you're pregnant?" He asks as he pours some juice into a glass.
"Maybe..." I say and he turns to me with his drink in his hand.
"I love producing kids." He chuckles to himself and I giggle lightly.
"You seem happy today." I say and he sips from his glass. Shrugging he gives me a small smile before walking over to me.
"I've decided to end my depression today." He says as he grips my face in his large hand. A smile spreads across my lips and I look up at him.
"That's good! We can only move on from here... I feel like Jasmine will come around. You know Xavier will run her mad with how much he'll be saying 'I miss daddy'." I say and he stares down at me.
"You gonna miss me?" He asks softly and I furrow my brows?
"What?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"Nothing... I'm just messing with you." He says and I eye him strangely.
"Adrian you alright?" I ask and he smiles. 
"Yeah baby, I'm good I promise. I'm gonna go give Norah a bath." He says and I stand from my seat.

"Let me come with you, I don't have anything to do." I say and he nods as I grab my phone off of the table. I walk behind him up the stairs and down the long hallway. We turn into the baby's room and Dri walks over to the crib and lifts Norah's small body. She begins to fuss but quickly stops once she realizes who's holding her.
"Hey baby girl." Adrian coos before kissing her nose. I smile and begin to gather up her towel, diaper and clothes. I also grab her shampoo and body wash.
"Ready?" I ask and he looks up from talking to the baby.
"Yeah lets go." He says before standing from the rocking chair. We walk down the hall and into the main bathroom. Adrian hands the baby over to me before getting the water ready. I strip her of her diaper and clothes before setting her in the warm water. Adrian grabs her cloth and coats it lightly in her body wash. He begins to wash her body as she babbles and splashes the water all around. "You're getting me all wet." Dri chuckles and she squeals loudly, giving him a toothless smile. He bends down to kiss her cheek and laughs once more.

"Smile!" I say as I pull out my phone and tap the camera icon. Adrian looks over at me and gives me a small smirk before I snap the picture. I let out a little giggle and he lays Norah back so he can wash her hair. Once she's all cleaned up I wrap her in a towel and walk back to her room.
"I'm gonna go shower." Adrian says as he comes up behind me and grips my waist. I finish buttoning up Norah's shirt before turning to face him.
"Okay." I say before standing on my tippy toes to kiss his lips. He stares at me again, the same look he gave me this morning before kissing me again. He rests his forehead on mine and closes his eyes.
"You know I love you right?" He asks and I place my hands on his chest.
"Yes..." I trail off and his eyes open and meet mine.
"I'm sorry for hurting you like this..." He says and I furrow my brows at him again.
"Adrian what the hell are you talking about?" I ask and pull away from him. He sighs and grips my face before kissing me again.
"Imma go shower." He repeats before turning around and walking away. I watch his back as he walks down the hallway and turns into our room.

I scoop up Norah and head downstairs into the living room. I turn the T.V on to Disney Jr. and sit back on the couch as I hold her in my lap. I giggle lightly at the little joke said on the show and shake my head. A loud shot rings through the house and I jump as my eyes widen. Norah begins to scream and I quickly set her into her play pin. She screams behind me as I speed up the stairs and rush into the bedroom.
"Adrian!" I call out as I reach for the bathroom door handle. Steam flows from under the door as I try to get it to open. "Dri!" I cry out as my eyes begin to blind with tears. I pull back and begin to slam my small body into the door until it breaks open. My breath hitches in my throat and I begin to cry harder. Adrian sat up, his back against the tub and a gun placed in his right hand. Blood was splattered all over the white tiled floor and shower wall. I shake my head as tears blind my vision and I search my pockets for my phone.
"911 what's your emergency?" 
"H-He... oh my god! He k-killed himself!" I scream as I drop to the floor.
"Who? Who killed their self?" The lady ask and I tug at my hair.
"My b-boyfriend! He shot himself! There's blood everywhere!" I panic as I son loudly.
"Help is on the way." She says and I drop my phone. I crawl over to his lifeless body and lift his face up.
"Why baby? Why?" I whisper as I cradle his head in my arms. I sit rocking back and forth until the police arrive.

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