Chapter Six

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"Mr. Brown!" My class gasps as I walk in for the first day in two weeks. I smile weakly and wave at them. I set my things on my desk and turn towards them.
"Hello guys, I've really missed you." I smile. They smile back and say it also. "As you guys may have heard, I lost my daughter a few weeks ago... I've been trying to cope with it. I couldn't stay out to long, I still need money to provide for myself." I chuckle at the end. They all nod and I lick my lips.

"Today o honestly don't have anything planned so... movie?" I ask and they erupt with yes's. I nod and we decide on watching 'The Lorax'. After I flick off the lights I seat myself in my chair and close my eyes for a moment. When I open them I see my students begin to come up and place cards on my desk. I watch them in awe as a few set down flowers and my other things. "Thank you guys." I say as I begin to tear up. As they take their seats I pick up the cards and begin to read over them.

Half way through the class period a small knock emerges from the closed door. I stand up and make sure to stay out of the kids way as I go to open it.

 I stand up and make sure to stay out of the kids way as I go to open it

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I come face to face with Jennie and smile.
"Hey Dri..." She says softly.
"Hi baby." I mumble before pulling her into a hug. Shocked, she slowly hugs me back.
"I haven't heard from you since the funeral... how've you been?" She asks. Before I answer her I tell her to follow me and lead her to my office that's was in the classroom.

"Stressed, depressed." I finally answer as she shuts the door. She frowns and and walks up to me. I place my hands on the desk behind me and lean against it.
"You've had me worried about you." She says softly, staring up at me. I grip her small waist and just stare at her.
"I'm sorry..." I whisper and she looks away from me for a moment.
"This was the only way I could get to you. You weren't answering the phone." She says and I sigh.

"I know ma... I'm sorry. I've just needed time to myself." I explain and she nods.
"Adrain you know you can come to me." She says gripping my face. I stroke her waist as she does my cheek.
"I actually could use you right now... come stay with me for a bit." I say and she bites on her bottom lip.
"That's a lot to ask Dri... we aren't even together." She says softly. I lean in close to her face and she sucks in a breath.
"Please?" I beg, my eyes watching her lips. I draw myself closer so that they're touching hers.

"O-okay." She stutters and I close my eyes and rest my forehead against hers. I pull her in closer and go to kiss her. "Wait." She says and I reopen my eyes.
"What?" I ask and she sighs and pulls away from me.
"I-I know this is probably the worst time to tell you this... but... I'm pregnant Adrian." She gets out. My eyes widen and I clear my throat.
"How many months?" I ask.
"Three." She states quietly and I run my hands through my hair. "I know it fucks up your chance with Jasmine but-"
"Fuck Jasmine." I say calmly and she closes her mouth. "I'm worried about you, us." I say and she nods.

"How long have you known?" I ask before checking the time.
"About a month... I was scared to tell you." She whispers as I begin to walk up to her.
"You should never be scared of me baby... never." I say before leaning down to peck her lips. She nods and I capture her lips again. Her hands grip my shirt as I slowly slide my tongue in her mouth. Her tongue runs over mine making me groan. I force her tongue down with mine and slide it deeper in hers.

She whimpers as our kiss starts to get sloppy. I pop my lips from hers and trial them down her jawline. I nip her neck and she lets out a shaky sigh.
"I love you Adrian..." She says softly, something she's been saying a lot lately. I rest my face in her neck and hug her close.
"I want to say it back but I don't want to lie to you..." I speak honestly.
"I know..." She whispers as I begin to let her go.
"The bells going to ring soon... I'll call you when I get out and come help you pack your things." I say and she nods.

I open my office door and my students watch us as I lead her out of the room. I turn the movie off and switch the lights back on. The students groan as the lift hurts their eyes.
"Sorry." I chuckle and sit in my chair. The bell rings and they all make their way from the class.

"You alright?" I ask Nia as I exit the school.
"I guess so..." She says quietly. I sigh and make my way to my car.
"You need anything?" I question softly as I start the car.
"No Adrian, I'm fine." She says making me sigh.
"Alright ma... call me if you need anything." I say and we say our goodbyes before I hang up the phone. I quickly shoot Jennie a text letting her know I'm on my way.

"That's the last of your clothes?" I pant as she sits on the bed. She nods and holds out her water to me. I grip it and spin the top open before sowing the rest of her water.

 "That shit was good!" I say flexing my muscles

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"That shit was good!" I say flexing my muscles. She giggles at me and shakes her head before laying back on her bed. I lick my lips and climb over her small body.
"She looked just like you..." Jennie whispers as I stare down at her. I clench my jaw and lower myself on top of her. I lay my head on her chest as she starts to play in my curls.
"It feels so unreal." I whisper, closing my eyes. I listen to her heart beat as I begin to cry.
"I know..." She agrees and her fingers begin to play with my ear making me tired.
"We'll go after a nap." I say and hug my arms around her waist. She giggles and wraps her arms back around me.

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