Chapter Seven

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I hug the brown teddy bear closer to my body as I continue to cry. I was tired of acting like I was alright, I was far from it. I don't like Nia but I know she's going through some shit too.
"Why my baby man?" I whimper as I turn to stare up at the ceiling. Jennie's body stirs next to me but I continue to let out tears of pain. The brightness of the moon dimly lights the room as I bring the teddy bear up to my nose. I inhale its scent and clench my eyes shut. It smelt just like her favorite princess bubble gum bubble bath she always insisted I buy.
"Adrian..." Jennie says softly and I turn away from her. She sighs and wraps her arms around me.

Her soft lips kiss my back and I squeeze the stuffed toy. I can't believe it's already been four months since she's passed.
"Daddy?" I hear Xavier's voice say making me quickly suck up my tears and wipe my eyes.
"Yeah man?" I croak and I feel him climb into the bed.
"I can't sleep in me and Adri's room." He says making me furrow my brows.
"Why not X?" I ask and he snuggles himself under my arms.
"I keep imagining that she's laying in her bed across from me." He whispers. I swallow the lump in my throats before kissing the top of his head.

"She's never coming back daddy is she?" He asks as he stares up at me. I clench my jaw and stare back.
"No... she's not man..." I speak honestly.
"Ow." Jennie whines pulling away from me to hold her stomach.
"You okay baby?" I ask and she mumbles a 'yes'. Xavier taps my shoulder and I look down at him.
"Are you and mommy ever going to live together?" He asks and I quickly shake my head.
"Mommy made it clear she doesn't want me so I've moved on." I say with honesty. "Mommy kept hurting me. So I decided it was time to leave her alone." I say and that was the truth.

About two months after Adriana passed away I went over to pick up Xavier and she started cursing me out. I had no idea what her problem was that day and I was already irritated so I yolked her up and told her to cut her shit. Long story short she started screaming at me, telling me I deserved to be hurt like this. I love Jasmine but I could never forgive her for that. She's always been this way though. I thought that maybe over time things would change but I was proven wrong.
"Adrian... Dri..." Jennie calls out softly capturing my attention. I blink my eyes a few times before looking over at her.

"Yeah babe?" I ask and she hands me my phone that was flashing. I thank her and swipe to answer the call. "Hello?" I ask and no one answers. I scrunch up my face and try again. "He-"
"Shit Ray!" I hear Jasmines voice squeal. I clench my jaw and furrow my brows.
"Jasmine this ain't funny." I say before clenching my jaw. A long moan evokes from her and I quickly hang up the phone. My chest heaves in anger and Jennie furrows her brows.
"What happened?" She asks, her voice laced with concern. I shake my head and throw my phone to the bottom of the bed.
"Nothing baby. Just childish people playing on my phone." I say and grasp her hips and pull her over to me. Xavier climbs onto the bed also and lays in front of Jen. She wraps her arms around him as I do the same to her and attempt to doze back off.

"C'mon X it's time to go." I say pushing his bedroom door open. He finishes tying his shoes and comes up to me.
"Can we stop to grab lunch before we go?" He asks and I nod. He walks from his room and makes his way downstairs. Before I follow behind him I go into my bedroom and walk up to the bed.
"You going to be okay?" I ask Jen as she stares at the T.V. She flickers her eyes over to mine and nods.
"Yes, I'll be alright." She smiles and I give her a small one back. I lean down and capture her lips with mine. She grasps my face in her small hands and kisses me back. I nip her bottom lip as in a way to ask for access and she allows it. I slip my tongue into hers and let it glide around her mouth.

"Mmm..." She moans as I pull away and snag her bottom lip. I release it with a pop and rest my forehead against hers.
"Call me if you need anything alright?" I ask and she nods and strokes my cheek with her thumb. I smile and pull away before placing my lips on her growing stomach. Her finger run through my hair before I stand up. I say my goodbyes and make my way downstairs. I get me and X situated in the car and make my way to Burger King. Soft music plays through the car as we cruise down the high way. Small droplets of rain hit the windshield making me sigh.

I flick on the wipers and pull into the drive through of the fast food restaurant.
"Welcome to Burger King how can I help you?" A soft female voice asks.
"Um can I get a salad with a apple juice. A small fry too." I order and after a few seconds she replies.
"Is that all?" She asks kindly and I lick my lips.
"Yeah." I say and she tells me to pull up to the second window. I search for my wallet as the window opens. Someone tells me my total as I pull my credit card out. I hand it to he brown skin girl and smile. She swipes the card and hands me my receipt before fetching Xavier's food. "Thank you darling." I smile as she hands me the paper bag.
"You're welcome." She blushes and I pull off.

I reach back to hand Xavier the bag and he grasps it. After a short drive we make it to Jasmines house. I sigh and step out of the car. I wait for Xavier to get out and once he does I walk him to the door. He knocks on it we wait patiently. The door pulls open and the man I seen on Jasmines phone the other day stands there.
"Hey X!" She smiles before swooping him up. I clench my jaw and glare at him. Xavier wiggles out of his grip and hugs my legs.
"Bye daddy. I love you." He says and I slowly remove my eyes from the man in front of me. I get down to his level and kiss his cheek before hugging him.
"I love you more. See you later." I say softly and release him. He runs into the house and leaves me standing here with this dude.
"You mad?" He chuckles and I do so bitterly.
"Nah man... you can have her. I don't like jump offs." I say and he raises his brows.
"You should be mad. I mean Jasmine ain't the only one who's gonna be calling me daddy. I'll fill in that spot that you can't." He laughs making my face redden. I clear my throat and shake my head.
"I'm not going to argue with a immature man. My son will never think of you as his father because I'm to much of a damn good one. Watch yourself man because if you don't you'll end up getting hurt." I spit before descending the steps and heading back to my car.
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