Chapter Five

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I hiss as Nia's fists collide with the side of my face.
"You're not getting her." She screams and I eat her hits. I groan when she gets me a good time in the nose. My face begins to leak blood but that doesn't stop her from assaulting me.
"Damn Nia please!" I beg trying to block my face. "Just let me see her! She's laying in the hospital bed! Let me see my baby man!" I cry out.
"That's enough!" My mother yells coming up behind Nia. She yanks her away from me and I stand there with a busted lip and a bleeding nose.

"Why you gotta put me through this shit man?" I ask as I wipe my nose. She glares at me and points her finger in my face.
"You deserve this! You do nothing for her!" She screams causing a scene. I clench my jaw as my mother begins to pat my nose with some tissue.
  "How I don't do anything for her? Huh Nia?! Everything she owns I bought! That house you live in I bought! You don't even have a job!" I yell and her face reddens from anger.

"Fuck you Adrian! You're not seeing her!" She screams and stomps off to the room. Mom grabs my hand but I pull it away gently and shake my head.
"I'll be right back." I say softly and walk into the direction of the room they held my daughter in. I knock softly and the door pulls open. Nia's mom looks at me and motions me to come in. I give her a thankful smile and slip in the room. Nia sees me and glares at her mother. I ignore her and make my way over to the bed. I grab her little hand in mine and cup her face with the other.

"Hey baby..." I speak softly to her. She was currently in a coma because she was riding with Nia's current boyfriend and got into a car accident. They were going across an intersection and a truck ran a red light and slammed the drivers side of the car. They are both lucky to be alive right now. I sniffle and blink my eyes to force my tears away as I look at her bruised face.
"She can't hear you Adrian." Nia hisses and her mother gives her a glare.
"Let that poor man be Nia!" She scowls.

"Fuck him." She mutters but once again I ignore her. My hand strokes across her little cheek as I let my tears finally fall.
"She gone be okay?" I ask, my voice cracking.
"The doctor says that there's a slim chance of her pulling through..." Her mom says softly. I squeeze her hand tighter and begin to sob.
"My baby..." I croak before laying my forehead on hers. "Open then pretty eyes for me... please." I beg. I feel her hand clench mine and I pull back quickly.

"She waking up?" I ask but my hopes are soon turned down when her monitor begins to go off.
"What did you do?!" Nia screams pushing me away from her.
"Nothing!" I yell back becoming frustrated with her. The doctors rush in and force us away from her.
"Her lungs are failing!" A doctor yells to another. My chest tightens as my tears blind my vision. We're pushed out of the doors and I stand there in shock.
"No!" I hear Nia cry making my mom run up to us.

"What's happening?!" She asks as I begin to choke on my tears.
"Her lungs are failing." I manage to get out and her face drops. Her hand slaps over her mouth as she begins to cry. I embrace her in a hug and squeeze my eyes shut as I pray for the best.


Ray's hand runs through my hair as him, Xavier, and I lay on my bed watching TV. Our evening has been relaxing due to me finally having a day off of work. My fingers trace his tattoo on his chest as he breathes gently. X's eyes begin to flutter closed as he snuggles underneath Ray's arm. As I attempt to doze off my phone rings loudly from the side dresser. Ray lazily reaches for it and swipes to answer it. I close my eyes back as he takes the call.
"Hello?" He grumbles tiredly. A minute passes before he says anything else. "She's sleep." He continues.

"Alright man." He sighs before tapping my ass lightly. I let my eyes flutter open and meet his. "It's your baby daddy." He says softly and I roll my eyes before taking the phone.
"Hello?" I mutter. He sniffles and I roll my eyes again, not ready for his begging.
"X with you?" He asks, his voice sounding broken.
"Yes. Where else would she be?" I ask him as if he were dumb.
"Sorry, I-I need to," He clears his throat and I hear him beginning to cry. "I need to see him." He chokes out.

My brows furrow as I sit up.
"For what Adrian?" I ask and remove my hair from my face.
"I jest need him right now Jasmine please." He cries. "Sh-she's gone. I don't know what to do Jasmine... she's gone." He sobs into the phone.
"Who? Who's gone Adrian?" I ask becoming concerned. He continues to cry making my heart race.
"Adriana..." He manages to get out. "She couldn't handle it." My mouth drops open and I try to find something to say.

"Adrian... I'm so sorry... how? What happened to her?" I question him and I hear him sniffle.
"Meet me at the Corplex hospital... I'll tell you. Please bring Xavier." He manages to say. I nod as if he can see me.
"Okay..." I reply softly. "I'm on my way." I say before we hang up. I stare at the phone shocked. Not only was I shocked that the beautiful little girl was gone, he never ended a call without saying he loved me.
"What's up baby?" Ray asked with his brows furrowed as I get up.

"Adrian lost his daughter..." I speak softly as I rummage through my dresser for some clothes.
"You forreal? Damn that's gotta be tough." He says shaking his head. I nod and quickly pull on my clothes.
"I gotta meet him at the hospital, wake X up." I say and he nods before shaking him awake.

He wakes up and I tell him to go find his shoes.
"Want me to come with you?" Ray asks from the bed. I shake my head and tie my hair in a bun.
"No... I don't want any tension. I'll be back soon." I say and make my way out the room. Me and X finish getting ready and we hop in the car and are on our way.

My eyes meet Adrian's as we enter the hospital. They were red puffy and he looked depressed. His eyes drop from mine and he presses his lips together tightly. Xavier pulls me towards his father by my hand.
"Daddy... you okay?" He asks and Adrian attempts to smile but fails. More tears cascade down his freckles cheeks and he bends down to Xavier's level.
"Come here." He calls out, his voice scratchy. Xavier wastes no time rushing into his fathers arms.

Adrian embraces him tightly and clenches his eyes shut.
"I love you." He whispers to him and Xavier begins to cry because of the mood in the atmosphere.
"Daddy what's wrong?" He asks again. Adrian pulls back and looks him in the eye.
"Dria's going to be fine for a while." He says softly and Xavier reaches up to wipe away his fathers tears.
"Where'd she go?" He asks making Adrian bite his bottom lip and blinks back his tears.
"She went to heaven to be a pretty angle." He smiles through his pain.
"Won't she miss us while she's up there?" He asks making me begin to cry.
"Yeah man she'll miss us but now she's at peace." He says making Xavier nod his head with a frown.
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