Meeting Aj Lee

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~Dean POV~

I was supposed to be in a mixed tag match tonight. My partner would be chosen for me by the wwe universe.

Well they had better get their act together cause my partner last week was summer Rae and, damn she's got the body, but in the ring... Let's just say I can't afford to lose another match.

The match was against Seth this week again, and out of the ring he's my best friend but in the story line he's my sworn enemy.

I can't lose again. Last week Seth got Nikki Bella. Of course they were going to win. It's fucking summer versus Nikki what do you expect. The entire match was a joke, I had considered walking out, but the thought of having summer to myself after the match compelled me to stay. Things got heated afterwards and well, you know. She's called me 12 times in the past week and left me 57 messages. She should've known better. I don't hit it twice.

"He-hey! Dean! Good luck out there man!" Seth came and clapped me on the back.

I grinned, "you too, let's just hope I don't get paired with a rookie again this time".

"Yeah, that was pretty bad" Seth rubbed his chin, "but hey, at least Summer's not here today so she's definitely ruled out".

"Thank the lord" I shook my head.

Seth laughed, "well I gotta go but see you at there. And remember fingers crossed, hope I get Nikki again" he winked at me.

I laughed, "okay man".

No way in hell. Seth better not get Nikki again or I was going to strangle somebody. I heard Seth's music play, and the crowd start to boo. Clearing my throat and shaking my wrists out, I held my breath. As my music hit, I grit my teeth and popped my eyes out open.

"Weighing in at 225 pounds from Cincinnati, Ohio. The lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose!". I got a huge pop from the crowd. I shook my hair as I entered the ring. "The following match is a mixed tag match! Where the partners were chosen by the wwe universe!" Announced Lillian Garcia, "The partner chosen for Seth Rollins is-". A few second passed as I anxiously held my breath.

A familiar music hit my hears as I mentally groaned. You have got to be fucking kidding me. "Seth Rollin's partner tonight, voted for by the wwe universe is- PAIGE!". I let out an exasperated sigh. How is it that Seth manages to get two hotties in a row that are both talented in the ring as well? I rolled my eyes as Paige stepped into the ring and mockingly waved at me. Seth laughed as he pulled her in to a hug and flashed a smug look towards me. All part of story line obviously but part of me knew that he was definitely satisfied with his partner. I let out a huff of air as I braced myself for my partner to be announced. "And Dean Ambrose's partner chosen for the night is-".

Weird, childish music started playing as my eyebrows knit together in confusion. The music sounded familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. "Coming in from union city, New Jersey- AJ LEE!". The crowd exploded as my eyebrows raised. Wasn't she the divas champion?

A petite girl skipped out. She was wearing jean shorts and a tight black crop top. She held up a pink championship with a butterfly etched on it. Her head tilted to the side as she sized me up. Her lips pressed together as she skipped down to the ring, her hair flipping behind her. What was that look? Was she disappointed in me? She cleaned her shoes on the mat and stepped into the ring. I wasn't gonna lie, she was sexy. I gave her a smirk and ran my hands through my hair. She glanced my way, then looked over to Paige.

Paige's arms were crossed as Aj slowly stepped towards her and smiled. "That's my belt! It's mine! It belongs to me!" Paige yelled as she pointed at the championship placed upon Aj's hips. Aj blew her a kiss and laughed as she skipped away into our corner. "Who's starting?" I asked her as she walked by me. She didn't even reach my shoulders. She looked like she couldn't have been 100 pounds. She shrugged her shoulders as she kissed her championship and set it down, "you can". Even her voice was cute. "Alright" I grinned at her. She rolled her eyes as she sat on the ropes. Did she not like me? Had I done something to offend her?

"This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a mixed tag match!" Lillian announced, "on one side we have the wwe world heavy weight champion, SETH ROLLINS! And fighting alongside him is PAIGE! And their opponents, DEAN AMBROSE! Fighting alongside the divas champion AJ LEE!". The crowd erupted into cheers as they stood out of their seats waiting for the match to start. The bell rung.

I immediately lunged at Seth. Grabbing him by his hair and throwing him down. He scrambled to the corner of the ring as I followed him and kicked him continuously. The ref counted to four. I backed up for a second, and then continued kicking. Then I grabbed Seth by his arm and threw him to the other side of the ring. I jumped after him but he moved out of the way. I hit my head on the turnbuckle and Seth took the opportunity to start throwing punches at me. He brought me up to the second rope and power bombed me down. I groaned as he grabbed my leg for the cover. "1..2..-" I kicked out. He sighed in frustration as he lifted me up and threw another punch at me. I fell back into the ropes and catapulted into a clothesline. I went for the cover. "1..-" he kicked out. I threw him out of the ring. And then jumped out of the ring landing right on top of him. "GET HIM DEAN!" The crowd yelled. I grinned, "come on Seth!" I taunted him, "is that all you've got?!".

I pushed Seth back into the ring and rolled in my self but was met by a curb stomp. Seth went for the cover. "1..2.-" I placed my foot on the rope. Seth pulled me up by my hair but I hit him with a dirty deeds. The crowd erupted as we both slowly dragged ourselves to our partners, unable to wrestle any longer. Aj's hand was stretched out towards mine. 3 inches, 2 inches, 1 inch. I made the tag. The crowd once again exploded into cheers as Aj and Paige both hopped into the ring. Aj ran and clothes lined Paige. She ran again hitting another clothesline. She then hopped onto Paige and started raining down punches on her. Paige threw her off. Aj scrambled up to the top rope and did a cross body on Paige, rolling her into a cover. "1..2..-" paige kicked out. "Thatta girl, Paige!" Seth clapped as he cheered his partner on. "Come on Aj!" I cheered, not knowing what else to say. Aj stood up but Paige lifted her into a back breaker. She then went for a cover. "1..-" Aj kicked out at one. I sighed in relief. Paige put her into a headlock. The crowd cheered as Aj clawed her way out of it. Paige kicked her down and pulled her up by her hair, "what's wrong Aj? Is the divas champion having a little trouble?" She yelled as she slammed Aj's head into the mat. She grabbed at Aj's hair again, "I should be the divas champion!" She said in anger, "you stole it from me!" She accused.

Aj slapped her right across the face, then locked her into the black widow. The crowd roared as Paige cried in agony. "TAP! TAP!" They all cheered. "C'MON PAIGE YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!" Aj encouraged her. Paige finally gave in and tapped out. Aj's music came on as I hopped into the ring and the ref raised our hands in the air. "And the winners of this match, Aj Lee and Dean Ambrose!" Lillian announced. Paige and Seth slowly made their way backstage in defeat. I stuck my hand out to Aj, hoping she would shake it. She glanced from my face to my hand. Then reached her hand out to shake mine, but at the last moment she quickly pulled it back. Grinning she blew me a kiss, skipped around me once, then jumped out of the ring and headed backstage. I watched as she skipped away, a grin slowly inching on my face.
Authors note:
HIIII Sooooooo this a new story that I'm starting. I've always been interested in an Aj and Dean love story line and I'm sad that it never happened. Anyways, I started writing this in honor of Aj getting in touch with wwe again about a return! That's right! She might be coming back soon!!! Anyways I hope you enjoy and please vote comment and follow! Thnxx<3

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