The First Kiss

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~Dean POV~

In just 2 hours, tonight's episode of raw would be begin.

In just 3 hours and 15 minutes, my match with Aj would begin.

In just 3 hours and 32 minutes, my segment with Aj would begin.

In just 3 hours and 47 minutes, Aj would kiss me.

Aj. Aj Lee, would grab me by the head and smash her soft, plump lips against mine.

When we were first given the script, 1 week ago, I had read and re-read that part over and over again. It seemed surreal. Aj and I had been tag team partners for a month now, and were due to win the championship belts in less than two months.

Our act is hitting it off well with the audience. It started with Aj flirting with me, and me rejecting her advances. Then, one day she suddenly stopped and seemed to not care about my presence. I was supposed to look visibly confused and a little hurt. Finally it ended with me trying to talk to her and her getting annoyed by my persistence. The next advance to our onscreen relationship was going to start today and my heart was palpating out of my chest. I had rehearsed everything numerous of times, well, everything except for the kiss of course. Aj refused to kiss me until the actual performance, which I actually didn't mind because that would make it that much more special.
After the match inside the ring...

"Aj, Aj, please just wait for a moment" I said into the mic.

Aj continued walking away, her belt clutched in her hands and her hair swaying back and forth.

"Please Aj, I just want to talk. Please just come back into the ring so we can talk" I pleaded.

Just talk to him!! The crowd chanted.

Aj stopped abruptly, then turned to face me, placing her hand on her hip.

"Thank you" I said, relieved, "I just-.. Could you please just come to the ring, I need to- I need to see your face clearly when I ask you this"

Aj let out an exasperated sigh. I ran my hands through my hair, "please just please".

The crowd was silent. They didn't expect me to act like this. The lunatic fringe was for once, begging. I was showing emotion other than anger. This was going exactly as planned.

Aj slowly made her way towards me and entered the ring. She took a microphone and cleared her throat.

"Mm-hmm is this thing on?" She said into the mic.

The audience cheered.

Aj cast me an accusing glare, then flipped her hair over her shoulder, "listen, Dean, I don't know what your problem is. You don't like me right? So WHAT. IS. THE. PROBLEM?" She states every word with anger, "You don't like it when I come onto you, but when I ignore you suddenly you're offended? I don't understand it".

I clenched my jaw and cast my eyes upward, so it seemed as if I was conflicted, "Aj.. It's not what it seems I- I thought I didn't... I.. I don't hate you Aj, I never did"

Aj let out a strained laugh, "oh, clever Dean, veeery clever".

"Aj I'm serious" I cut her off, "I- at first. Well... Let me just say it. I'm Dean Ambrose. The lunatic fringe. I'm the one they call unhinged. I've been betrayed and scarred numerous of times. Even the closest of whom I called friends, my brothers, have stabbed me in the back. When I first met you... I was afraid... Of what I felt.."

"OF COURSE!!!" Aj interrupted me, "of course it comes down to this. It's always this. Don't even start Dean" she said my name with much venom.

"I'm serious Aj!" I continued, "I was afraid, of what I felt, so I pushed it down and I hid it. I've always been alone and what you made me feel- it scared me"

"Stop! Just stop" Aj let out a slight sob, "Stop trying to make me believe something that's fake, something that's not real" a tear slid down her cheek.

She dropped the microphone and made her way out of the ring. The crowd was dead silent. Everybody was invested into the story.

"Aj!" I yelled with desperation, "please! Just listen to me!"

She continued running away. "AJ PLEASE!" I pleaded.

Her pace didn't slow down. "AJ, I LOVE YOU!" I said with as much passion and desperation as I could muster.

The crowd gasped and you could hear faint whistles and claps. I mentally congratulated myself for being able to pull off such and emotional line.

She froze mid step and turned to face me, shock and confusion registering on her face, "what?".

"I. LOVE .YOU" I repeated looking deep into her eyes and slowly walking out of the ring towards her.

A smile was slowly spreading into her face.

"I always have and I always will. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner" I said, and stopped right in front of her.

We stood silent for a few moments just staring into each others eyes.

"Apology accepted" she whispered, then pulled me into a passionate kiss.

The kiss lasted a good few moments, when we pulled apart, I could still feel myself shaking. But I remembered that we were on live television, and kept my cool a bit.

Aj stepped back and grinned at me. Then she proceeded to skip around me a few times, then towards the back.

My smile never left my face as I followed her to the back. I could still hear the crowd cheering loudly and wildly.

When I reached the gorilla, she was surrounded by Kaitlin, Paige and... Cm punk?! What the hell is he doing around her?!

Anger, rage and jealousy slowly churned within me. I didn't even know why, but I wanted to punch that smile off of his face and slap his hands away from around her waist. Snap out of it Dean. You're not in script anymore.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Oh boy, this is not good. I quickly pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Deciding on one fairly easily, I hastily pressed the call button.
The person answered within two rings.


"Hey, this is Dean"

"Dean! I just knew you would call"

"Yeah, yeah... So, your place tonight?"

"Yup, I'll see you at 9"

" ok, bye Eva"
I hung up and grinned. Oh how easy it was to set that up.

Okaaaayyyy so I'm pretty sure there's a lot of errors in this but yeah I apologize in advance for that, COMMENT AND ILL TRY TO FIX THEM:))) alsooooo WHAT DID YU THINK OF ME UPDATING PRETTY REGULARLY RECENTLY?! I'm actually really proud of myself. AND what did you think of that?! OML I'm so mad at Dean rn like just admit how you feel! And I already hate Eva AHAHAHAH I probably sound crazy rn cause like I'm writing this cx weeeelllll anyways I don't really know where I'm going with this story but I guess I'll just make it up along the way DOMT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT THNX

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