Is it Truly Love?

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~Aj's POV~
  "1!! 2!! 3!!!"
The crowd went wild as I pinned Becky clean on the mat. My music started playing as Becky rolled out of the ring and Dean hopped in, ecstatic.

"And the winners are Aj Lee and Dean Ambrose! The new mixed tag team champions!" Lillian announced as she handed us the belts that once belonged to Kevin and Becky. I grabbed the belt from her hands and clutched it tightly. It's been awhile since I've held a belt in my hands.

Ever since a month ago when Sasha Banks beat me for the Divas Championship, I haven't been able to hold my baby. I've felt hollow, and alone. But, Punk's been able to take my mind off of it and surprisingly.. Dean too. He's turned out to become one of my closest friends and I'm glad that we were put into this story line together or else I would've thought he was self centered douche bag for the rest of my life. Not that he isn't one, but I guess if you don't sleep with him, he can't hurt you. At least that's my theory.

  I breathed in deep breaths. It felt so good to hold a title again. A cast a quick glance towards Dean and saw he had a huge grin on his face. He looked so happy, I couldn't help but crack a small smile. My heart skipped a beat and I froze. What.. Just happened?

No no no no no. I will not allow myself to fall for the womanizing Jonathan Good. Never, just never. I won't be broken by him. Ever. Dean caught me staring and looked my way. I quickly looked away, my face heating up. Uh oh.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Don't do this to yourself, Aj. Just play it off cool. Besides, you're his onscreen girlfriend.

~Deans POV~
I cast a quick glance toward Aj and caught her eye for a millisecond. She was immediately looking down at her shoes and... Blushing?! My heart started hammering in my chest. Was she blushing because I caught her looking at me? Was I the one to make her blush?! ...did she- like me?!

I walked over to her, slung my arm around her shoulders, and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"awwww" the crowd commented as Aj draped her arms around my neck. She had to stand on her tip toes to reach me but she gave me small kiss on the tip of my nose then cast me a wide smile.

Well, she doesn't seem to flustered now. Maybe I'm just imagining things. I swallowed down the disappointment that was rising within me and plastered on a hearty smile. You shouldn't get your hopes up like that Dean, it'll only complicate things. Besides, she has.. Punk.

Cm Punk. What was that jack-ass planning to do? Phil Brooks is about the most hostile guy in the locker room, so why he acted like Prince Charming around Aj was beyond me. Did he actually like her? I highly doubted it. He may have deceived everyone else, but he can't fool me. People call me an awful person for breaking girls hearts, but do they even take a second glance at Punk?

At least when I get with a girl, I inform her that it's no strings attached and probably a one time thing. Punk is a whole different story. He strings girls along, pretending to like them and care for them. When he finally gets them in bed, he dumps them and leaves them broken hearted. But you don't hear people talking about that do you? Of course not, because to everybody else he's "The Best in the World!".

I know Punk's up to something, and I'm not going to let it happen. He's not going to hurt Aj. I was going to make sure of that.

sOOOOOOOOOOO?!?!?! I'm pretty proud of that chapter because I wrote more than the last one and this one was pretty eventful! Like, you find out about AJs newly developed feelings for Dean AND in this chapter you get to really see how much Dean cares for Aj. Also what do you guys think of Punk? Does he really care about Aj? Or is he stringing her along just like everybody else? Let me know if I have any errors or mistakes! Also don't forget to comment vote and follow! I'll try and publish a lot more often but the most I can promise right now is about once a week, maybe twice. Thnx for the support! And OML 83 views?! That's just insane! Thank you all sm love you all!

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