Drunk Confrontations

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~Aj POV~

I was pretty sure I just saw a tree turn into a reindeer.

I shook my head and looked back at the same spot.

Nope, still a tree.

I was wasted.

An arm slid around my waist and squeezed it a bit. I yelped slightly at the touch, but then grinned and turned to face- I blinked.

"Hey squirt, ya missed me?" Dean smirked.

My eyebrows furrowed and I frowned. With all the effort I had, I pushed his arm off me. Which meant that his arm didn't budge.

Damn that was weak. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even be able to lift up a pencil with that force.

Dean laughed at my feeble attempt, "Wow. Aren't you supposed to be a wrestler?"

I glowered and pulled myself out of his grip, wobbling a bit, "Aren't you supposed to be with Sasha?" I retorted, my words slurring a bit.

He stiffened and I mentally congratulated myself, "Yeah, that's what I thought." I said, wobbling away from him.

His hand tugged at my arm, pulling me back, "Are you jealous?" He asked, leaning into my ear.

I felt my face turn red, "What? What are you even talking about?" I stuttered.

Shit, am I that obvious?

I turned around to face him and saw that he was smirking, "So you are jealous." He stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

My eyes glanced down at his toned arms before looking back up to his eyes. He raised his eyebrows and gave me a knowing look, letting me know that he had seen me subtly check him out.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, "No, I'm not jealous."

"Aw, you are!" He cooed.

I threw my hands into the air, exasperated, "No, I'm really not. Just because I made a comment about your date doesn't mean that I'm jealous. The fact that you believe that just makes you arrogant. Not that I can say I'm surprised though."

He squinted as if he was trying to process my words, "So... you think I'm good looking?" He asked slowly.

It was obvious to anyone with eyes that he was confused.

I'm ten times more drunk than him and I can still comprehend basic vocab.

Rolling my eyes, I turned and walked away.

"Hey Aj, wait!" His voice called again.

Ugh, can't you freakin leave me alone.

I turned back around as he ran up to me.

"So." He started off slowly, looking me straight in the eyes, "You wouldn't mind if I brought Sasha back to my room tonight?" He asked with a slight edge to his voice.

My heart wrenched at his words, and I tried to keep myself from flinching. Swallowing, I shook my head confidently and stared right at him, "Not like I haven't dealt with it before, right?" I answered jokingly, despite the tightening in my chest.

His eyes flashed with an emotion I couldn't quite comprehend before hardening, "So you don't care if I go back right now and have sex with her?" He asked me rather harshly.

I clenched my fists together. What was his deal?

"No, why should I?"

His nostrils flared and his eyes widened, "Why should you? Are you seriously fucking asking me that right now? Well I don't know, maybe because I lo-"

"Is everything alright here?" Punk intervened, holding a newly opened can of soda.

He was staring directly at Dean with a challenging look in his eyes.

Dean's jaw tightened and he narrowed his eyes, "Everything was going just dandy Phil." He spat.

My brows furrowed as I looked between the two.

What's up with them? They were fine in the car...

Dean's gaze averted back to me and I felt frozen to my spot as his pale blue eyes stared right through me, "I'll see you around April." He said, then turned and walked away.

I watched him walk away, feeling confusion creep up within me. What's going on?

"You okay?" Punk asked me as he set down his can and lifted my chin with his cold fingers, scanning my face, "He was yelling at you pretty intensely."

I smiled to assure him, "I'm fine. We just don't always get along."

He smiled back and nodded, satisfied with my answer, "Alright. You wanna dance some more?"

I shook my head, "Actually, I think I'm gonna call it a night."

Punk frowned, "You sure?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"You want me to walk you back?"

"No, it's fine. You stay here and have fun. I'll be fine."

He nodded slowly, "Alright. Be safe." He said.

I laughed, "It's not a horror movie Phil. I'll be fine."

I grabbed my clothes and made my way out of the party, my thoughts running wild through my head.

Why was Dean so mad?

I opened the door to my room and crashed onto the bed, not bothering to change.

I laid there for awhile, thinking about everything that had happened that night.

What was Dean going to say before Phil interrupted him?

My heart beat quickened.

Was he going to say that he... That he loved me?

I closed my eyes and shook my head, rolling onto my side as a tear slid down my cheek and refusing to believe that.

No, no. It couldn't have been that.

He would never love me.


Authors note:
Omg I haven't updated in so long? I feel so bad but I got really lazy and I was finishing up another story of mine... ANYWAYS! Yesss I updated!! What are your thoughts on this chapter? I really really liked it:) during the three months of my abstinence you've missed pretty much nothing in my life:/ don't forget to vote and follow! And leave your opinions down below in the comment section because they're so so very important to me! I practically rushed through writing this so I'm sure that there are tons of mistakes and errors so don't feel shy to let me know! Thankss for the support! I can't believe this got to 300 views?! Like what?! I'm in shock!!!

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