Lunatic and Crazy Combine

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~Dean POV~

  "Hey Dean, I just wanted to let you know that I had a great time last night and-"

"Not right now Eva, I'm not in the mood" I brushed her off.

"Oh..okay. Well, call me when you can" she I said as she walked away.

I heaved a sigh. Why did I sleep with Eva last night? I've already slept with her before. Oh, that's right. Now I remember. Because Aj won't even look at me. It's been a full two weeks since our last conversation and she's been ignoring me. Not to mention our storyline hasn't developed at all either.

"Dean, I heard you were with Eva again last night? Dude, not a good idea" Seth shook his head as he walked up to me, "She's already stuck up enough but the fact that she's the only girl to ever get with the Dean Ambrose twice? Her head'll be twice the size now".

I grunted, "It's not like I already don't know that".

"Hi Dean" Sasha grinned at me as she walked by.

"Hey" I nodded, barely acknowledging her.

Sasha stalked off, slightly annoyed by my rudeness.

"Dude!" Seth smacked my shoulder, "You've been telling me for months now how you've wanted to get with Sasha. What was that?!".

I shrugged, "I don't know".

"Dean!" A voice called.

I kept walking, ignoring the person.

"DEAN! HEY!" The voice yelled, quickening their pace.

I just really wanted to be alone right now. I was aggravated and I don't even know why. I lengthened my strides, trying to get away from the person.


I whipped around, beyond annoyed, "WHAT?!" I yelled.

I was face to face with Aj. My anger immediately melted away. I continued to stare at her, not being able to look away, or speak. This was the first time we'd crossed paths in two weeks.

"Thank you" she said, exasperated, as she placed her hands on her hips.

"What do you want?" I asked her, in a tone that came out more harshly than I intended.

She rolled her eyes, un offended and unaffected, "Stephanie wanted me to tell you that our story line together is being started up again. She wants us to be a mixed tag team".

I tried to hide my enthusiasm, "okay, what's planned for tonight?"

Aj handed me the script, "read over it, then meet me at the gorilla in an hour so we can practice our lines before heading out".

"K" I grunted and took the script from her hands.

Aj nodded, then turned and walked away.

I could feel my face heating up. Dammit, why do I act like this around her? All she did was hand me a damn script and talk to me, and suddenly my face turns red like a tomato.

I shook my head, trying to push away my thoughts. Think about tonight Dean. Opening the script, I skimmed through it, reading the important parts.
~Aj POV~

I didn't want to talk to Dean. I didn't even want to look at him. But, for the sake of work, I had to cooperate with him. Stephanie was so hung up on the idea of lunatic and crazy joining together, and I couldn't disappoint her. I adored Stephanie, heck, if I was into girls I would probably want to date her. I couldn't let her down, even if it meant having to deal with Jonathan Good.

I have to team up with him until the end of the mixed tag team championships. Which is approximately 5 months. 5 whole fucking months with that guy.

Deep breaths Aj, you can do it, I consoled myself.
Sorry aaaagghhhhh I haven't written in a awhile. Honestly I was just really lazy. And sorry this story is really short I know but I'm Ina rush rn. I promise I'll update more. And sorry this chapter was really trashy...:(( BUT REMEMBER TO VOTE AMD COMMENT!! THSNKSSSS

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