Mixed Tag Team Championships

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~Deans POV~

"AJ'S CRA-ZY, LU-NA-TIC!" The crowd kept chanting and cheering us on. Aj, playing well in character, kept looking at the crowd aggravated, "I'M NOT CRAZY!" She yelled at them. Firing them up even more. "AJ's CRA-ZY, LU-NA-TIC!", they responded wildly.

  "Ignore them!" I advised her, "We need to focus on obtaining the championships", but I was quickly pushed down to the mat. Kevin Owens approached me, almost predatory like, "Keep your head in the game Dean-o" he grabbed me up by the collar of my shirt and threw a punch at my face, "I'm a force to be reckoned with".

I quickly got up, "By force if you mean the amount of weight that comes barreling toward me when you run at me then yeah, I guess you are a force to be reckoned with".

Ohhhhh. The crowd responded. Kevin turned a light shade of pink, "IM NOT FAT" he confirmed as he grasped at his stomach. I grinned mischievously, knowing I had hit a sore spot.

I shrugged my shoulders, "C'mon kev, I never thought you were fat. You're just.. Heavy". Kevin's brows scrunched together as he looked down at his potbelly. I took the opportunity to throw a punch and then hit a clothesline. I went for the cover. 1.2- Kevin kicked out, groaning.

"It's okay Kevin, it doesn't matter if you're overweight" Becky, his partner, clapped as she cheered him on.

Kevin whipped around to face her, "I AM NOT FAT!".

"You're a fatso!" The crowd chanted. Becky raised her hands up in surrender, "You're not fat. I know that".

Kevin's face contorted into a frown and his face turned red in rage. He ran at me and tackled me down. He threw multiple punches at my face. He then power bombed me down.

"Ughh" I groaned and slowly got up after I kicked out at two.

  "STAY DOWN WILL YOU?!" Kevin yelled in frustration. Then he leaned his head towards me and whispered in my ear as he lifted me up for another power bomb, "Are you okay right now?".

I gave a slight nod of my head, trying to pass it off as me shaking my hair.

Kevin then proceeded to try and throw me down for another power bomb. But I quickly countered by swinging my legs around and hitting a DDT on him. I crawled towards Aj and her outstretched hand.

"Tag!" The ref announced as our hands made contact.

Aj and Becky quickly collided as the crowd roared in anticipation.

HIIII ITSME AGAIN! OKAY so I got kinda lazy again because as you can see, I haven't updated in awhile. I hope this chapter wasn't too short i know it's not long at all compared to the other chapters:/ but hey! What did you think of this chapter? Just for clarification, this chapter was about their fight for the mixed tag team championships!! I know it wasn't very eventful.. But what do you think happened? Did they win or lose? And what about Becky vs Aj? I don't think I've ever seen them fight before and I really want to, well I actually really want to see Aj vs Sasha but I think I'll add that later in the story. And okay, about the Kevin Owens being overweight.. I don't actually think he's overweight, I just needed something to add to hit a nerve for him and that just came into my mind. I wasn't trying to offend anybody just keep that in mind. BTW DONT FORGET TO COMMENT ABOUT ERRORS AND WHATNOT, I take any advice:) remember to like vote comment and follow! Let's try and get this chapter to 20 views?c: CANT BELIEVE IVE ALREADY GOTTEN 69 VIEWS!! I was aiming for like 50 for the whole story. You have no idea how grateful I am! So thank you all!!;)

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