One More Week!

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~Dean's POV~

Today was our last week before our vacation. WWE was giving us a spring vacation consisting of ten days, and we were allowed to go to their beach house. It was this gigantic four story house with 17 rooms total. The beach was right in front of the house, and they also owned boats and motor jets and whatnot.

I sure as hell was planning on staying at their beach house for at least five of those ten days we were given off. I also overheard Aj was heading up there for awhile too along with Paige, Cm Punk and Celeste.

I wasn't even sure if Celeste was allowed to go since she was no longer a member of the roster, but apparently Aj had asked Vince and he had reluctantly agreed.

The good thing was that since the house couldn't fit the entire roster, you had to sign up in order to stay at the beach house. I had made it on the list, and so had Aj and her friends.

The bad thing was that that meant another ten people could come along, and even more if there were couples going and they were sharing the same room.

"Hey Dean" I felt arms slowly wrap around waist.
I whirled around to find that they belonged to Eva.

I gave her a slight nod, "um hey Eva".

She pouted as she tightened her grip on my waist, "Oh, don't be like that Dean". She stood on her tip toes so that her face was inches from mine, and slowly licked her lips, "I saw your name on the list for the beach house. You'll be glad to know that I'll be there too".

I leaned away from her, "Yeah, um, it'll be fun".

Eva closed the space between us once again and lightly pressed her lips against mine, "Yeah it sure will be", she purred as she pulled away. "Maybe we can even share a room", she winked at me as she walked away.

I shivered at the thought of Eva on the trip and mentally groaned. Out of all of the people on the roster who could have gone, she had to be one of them? I shook my head. Damn. Eva just couldn't catch a hint could she?

I had been avoiding her for the past three months. I ignored all her calls, and when they got to be too persistent, I even blocked her phone number. Yet, she still came back. Every single fucking time. I regretted sleeping with her multiple times. What had I gotten myself into? I should have just ended things after the first time like I usually do...


One more week until the spring vacation. I was so stoked. Who wasn't excited to stay at a luxurious beach house for ten days?! I sure as hell was! The best part was, all of my close friends were going. Celeste, Punk, Paige... Even Dean was going. Celeste, Paige, Punk and I were all planning to drive up there together. Punk owned a huge Chevy truck that could fit 5 people.

I was planning on inviting Dean to drive up with us earlier today. But he was busy catching up with Eva so I decided to do it later.

My heart wrenched a bit when I saw them kissing. Although he looked a bit uncomfortable, he still kissed her back.

I didn't even know why I cared that much. I felt like I wanted to cry when I saw them together. The worst part was that they looked so good together. Eva was gorgeous with her fiery red hair, and Dean, well... Dean's always gorgeous. NOT TO SOUND LIKE A CREEP OR ANYTHING!!

But Dean himself was also known as the charming heart breaker, so he pretty much had to be attractive didn't he?

Which meant he also had to be a heart breaker too. Which I guess I had already known but for a moment, just a moment, I had actually forgotten about that.

Get your head out of the clouds Aj.

I can't. I can't fall for someone like Dean, and the fact that that keeps slipping my mind is alarming.

Is it?- have I?  No, it can't be. I haven't already... I haven't already fallen for Dean have I?

No... But, but I like Punk!.... Do I?

No. I refuse. I will not allow myself to fall for Dean. If I have already, then I'll unfall for him.

Never will I ever love Dean Ambrose. As long as I live.

Authors note:
I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW IM SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SO LONG BUT I WAS JUST SO DAMN LAZY. This chapter felt really rushed and idk if it's even good but please don't hate either way. I wrote a decent amount but still less than 1,000 words so sorry bout that :/ I promise I'll get better at writing more, and updating more often! I'm just so lazy and I'm such a procrastinator.. But anyways!! Thoughts on this chapter? I thought it was pretty uneventful buuuut it's preparing you for the drama filled spring vacation;) I'm having so much writing this story and I can't wait to write about the adventures that are gonna occur at the beach house:)) also, what do you think about Eva tagging along to the beach house? And her advances towards Dean? IM SO ANGRY ABOUT THAT GRRRR like he is obviously not into you so please kindly back the fuck up! Thanks! Lmao but also, what about Aj's feelings towards Dean? Do you think she's already fallen for him? And why is she so dead set on never ever falling for him? Do you thing something could've happened in her past that is affecting her present decisions? I don't know! Well, actually I do know, but you guys don't! Sorry 'bout that! <3 anyways! Please remember to vote, comment and follow!! And to stay updated on whenever I publish, which is like once every billion year, add this story to your library or reading list!! Thanks guys for 160 views!! OML I'm in shock rn, I was hoping for 50 at the start of this!! Let's try and get... 30 views on the next chapter! Think we can do that? Hope so!! Thanks again guys! Love you!

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