What about Kaitlyn?

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~AJ's POV~
Dean and I have held the mixed tag team titles for the past two weeks now and it's been great. We've been defending our titles both on raw and smackdown.

The good thing is, we're not scheduled to lose the belts anytime soon. The bad thing is we have to defend our titles twice every week, adding on to our regular matches.

That means we each compete in 4 matches a week, at least.

  I picked up my championship belt and stepped out of the dressing room, thanking Cassandra once again for the gorgeous make up.

  Today I was wearing my black crop top that had green lines and a pink spider etched onto it. I was also wearing my jean shorts and light grey knee length chuck Taylor's. I loved my hair today.

There was a piece of my hair that was twirled and held back by a Bobby pin. My hair returned to its original rich chocolate brown color, and had caramel brown highlights. My eyes were dark brown and since I had recently went to the beach, I had a few freckles dotting my nose. I had a slim frame and it was fairly muscular, although I wouldn't mind my abs to be more defined.

I reached the gorilla soon and sat down on the couch.

"Hey April" I heard.

I turned around and came face to face with Celeste, or Kaitlin.

My eyes widened in shock at the sight before me, "Celeste" I said, not expecting to see her again this soon. Her face scrunched in pain at my distant acknowledgment.

  She laughed nervously, scratching the back of her hand, "How have things been around here? Trashy as always?"

Celeste retired from the wwe a few weeks ago. She wanted to pursue her dreams outside of the business. Losing both Celeste and my divas championship around the same time was heartbreaking. I missed them both so much.

"Well, it wasn't trashy before" I replied curtly while casting her a glance. Celeste gave me an apologetic look, "April, you know this wasn't my dream anymore. I lost my passion. I'm sorry for leaving you here, I know we said we would stay here forever and grow old together but I just couldn't do it anymore. My body was broken and I didn't enjoy it anymore".

I frowned slightly and turned my face away from hers, "I'm still mad at you".

Celeste's face fell.

"Buuut-" I faced her once again and continued, "I'm in really deep need of a best friend again".

A smile slowly started spreading upon Celeste's face again. She pulled me into a hug, "Well, that's what I'm here for".

We stayed like that for a few moments. "I've missed you so much" I whispered while burying my face into her shoulder, "I hated being away from you".

"Me too April" she answered, stepping back from our hug.

My head tilted to the side as the most obvious question popped into my head, "I'm glad that you're here but.. Why exactly did you come?".

Her lips pursed together, "Uhh well, I'm actually supposed to make my official retirement speech tonight".

My throat dried up. So it's official. This is actually going to happen. "Oh" I responded.

Celeste bit the inside of her cheek, "Well, I have to go get ready. See you later?".

"Yeah, sure".

She's really leaving.

I stared at Celeste's receding figure.

And she's not coming back.

~Celeste's POV~

  5 weeks ago...

Leaving the wwe was just about the hardest thing I ever had to do. It's been my dream and goal to make it in the business ever since I was 13 years old. But once I won the divas championship and my dominant reign ended, I felt, kind of bored.

I wanted to do more in life than just wrestle. I wanted to create new dreams. New goals. And I wanted to follow them until I accomplished them too.

Life's too short to not take any risks. I needed to put myself out there.

But I also had to think about the consequences.

I would be leaving a stable job that paid well. I didn't know what I was going to pursue. And lastly, I had got leave all of my friends.

I had actually been thinking about leaving for quite a while, but two things were keeping me here. One was Aj, and the other was Colby.

I had been crushing on Colby, or Seth Rollins, for quite awhile now. I've tried getting him to notice me, and I thought I had a chance with him for awhile. Until I saw him making out with Sasha Banks. That's when I knew I had no chance at all. I mean, who would ever leave someone like Sasha for someone like me?

My heart shattered to pieces right then and there. I knew it was long shot, but I still held hope that Colby would eventually come around.

I submitted my retirement form a week later. At that point, I didn't care anymore. I had to get out of here. There was nothing holding me back anymore. I left from the wwe without saying goodbye to anybody.

I was satisfied for about a week, until I tuned in to the next Monday night raw. There was match between Aj and Sasha Banks for the divas championship... Aj lost...to the exact same girl who stole Colby from me. I didn't think it was possible, but more pieces of my heart broke.


I had completely forgotten about her. How could I forget? How could I be so stupid?!

I just left her there. I didn't even say goodbye.

She lost both me, and her belt in one week. Not to mention she had to deal with Dean every week too.

What have I done?

But I can't go back. I can never go back. I'm finally free. I won't chain myself down again.

Will she ever forgive me?

Authors note:
CONGRATS TO ME GUYS I WROTE 989 words!!! Omggg guys! This is the second time I've published this week! Go meee:)) did I shock you all there with Celeste's retirement? I guess not since she did retire in real life. But yeah, Celeste has feelings for Colby and NOBODY else knows!! But Sasha had to ruin things by butting her head in :/ as you guys can probably already tell, Sasha will basically be the villain of this story. I'll be adding a Sasha POV in a later chapter so who knows? Maybe she is sweetheart? Or maybe not? MWAHAHAHA okay yeah ignore me I'm being really obnoxious sorry you all for having to deal with me:( but anyways! Aj and Kaitlin rekindled their friendship! Nothing much about Dean in this chapter so sorry about that but I realized that we haven't heard from Kaitlin since the second chapter so I decided to bring her back. Anyways I'll try to update more often but yeah! Catch y'all later;) don't forget to vote comment and follow!! Thnx<3

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