Road Trip

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~Aj POV~
"Before you met me, I was alright but things were kinda heavy" I sang along from the backseat of the car.
"You brought me to life now every February, you'll be my valentine, Valentine!" Kaitlyn continued from the back.
Punk groaned as he hit his forehead against the steering wheel, "Jesus no. Please stop".
Dean grinned mischievously and grabbed my brush out of my bag, "Let's go ALL the way tonight. No regrets, just LOVE" he emphasized as he grasped at his shirt that was right over his heart. Paige laughed as she joined in, "we can dance! Until we die! You and I, will be young forever!"
  Dean and Paige turned and faced eachother, "YOU make me, feel like I'm living a, teenage dream!". I clenched my jaw as I saw them pointing at eachother as they sung and laughed. I sat there for a few moments watching them in envy. Kaitlyn nudged me, "Oh it's alright, don't be anymore obvious than you already are".
  I turned to look at her, wiping off the frown I was wearing. I was frowning? For what? "What do you mean?" I answered. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes, "Whatever".
  "Besides", I shrugged, "I like Punk".

Kaitlyn smirked, "Alright".

I gasped in fake shock, "You don't believe me?"

Kaitlyn shook her head. I grinned in return as I listened to where we were in the song.

I leaned over and slid onto Punks lap as he was driving, "I'm a get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight" I sang.

I could see Punk blush slightly as he looked down at me. My heart fluttered a bit. Did he like me?

"Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans be your teenage dream tonight" I continued as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Punk stared into my eyes as I returned his gaze. Then he looked back up as the light turned green again and he started the car.

I moved to the back again.

Paige was still happily singing along but Dean was quiet now. His lips were pressed into a thin line and he was looking out the car window.

~Dean POV~
I've been in this damn car for almost 16 hours now.
The trip itself was fun at the beginning. I was enjoying myself, singing along to cheesy songs. Until Aj sat on Punk's lap and practically told him that he could grope her later on and she was all his later. I mean, what the hell?

I thought we were making progress. I thought we were going somewhere, but, had I mistaken all of her signs all along? Was she still hung up on Punk?

I mean, yeah, I know I'm overreacting. It was just a song, but, it didn't feel like it was one. She just stared at him while she sang him those very specific lines, and she even sang them while she was on his lap for god sakes. I just wasn't feeling it anymore.

The car pulled into a parking lot, "Alright, rest stop" Phil said as he hopped out of the car. I slowly slid out. Phil looked down at his phone, "Alright, let's all meet up back here in thirty minutes. In the mean time, go to the bathroom, stretch your legs, and buy some snacks at that convenience store. Cause this is the last stop before we arrive at the beach house".

"Ok" everyone answered as they headed separate ways. Phil headed off towards the convenience store, Paige went off to the trail, and Aj and Kaitlyn headed for the bathrooms together.

I decided to follow them.

After using the bathroom I walked out and started towards tv. Aj and Kaitlin came out soon after.

"Oh, hey Dean" Kaitlin greeted me.

Aj have me a curt nod and a small smile.

"Hey guys. I'm headed over to the convenience store, do you guys wanna tag along?" I asked them.

"Sure" Aj shrugged in response.

We all went over there and bought some food. Then, we were back on the road.

~Aj POV~
Dean's been, distant, ever since the whole sitting on Phil's lap thing. I don't even understand why. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions. And we're not even dating?

Although, at the same time, it made me a bit happy. Was he jealous about the entire thing?

The car slowly skidded to a stop. We had arrived at the beach house. It seemed as if a bunch of people were already here. They probably took planes. We all jumped out of the car and walked into the house. We went to the top floor and claimed rooms. Dean was rooming was Seth, I was with Kaitlyn, Phil was with Big E and Paige was with Sasha.

Sasha... She was here too? Along with Eva? This was going to be a great week.

We all quickly changed into our suits and headed down to the coast of the beach. I sat on a bench and took out a book and started reading. This is relaxing.

I sat there and read for a good ten minutes until I heard a shrill screech. I looked up to see Dean lifting Sasha up over his shoulders, "Dean! Put me down!" She laughed.

He set her down and took his time to rake his eyes down her frame.

She was in a scandalous bright red skimpy bikini.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and lightly pushed him away, "Stop staring perv".

Dean grinned cheekily and pulled her in so that his bare chest was pressed against her stomach tightly,  "I just can't help myself" he told her honestly.

She blushed and tucked her head into the crook of his neck.

My vision started to blur as I felt the area around my eyes heat up.

Tears were threatening to spill.
I wiped at them aggressively and took deep breaths.
What can you say? He is a player after all. Did you actually for once think that he liked you? He just wanted to get you in bed. It's also your fault for pushing him away when you sat on Phil's lap... But either way this would've happened anyways. So at least you didn't get your heart broken in the process.

  I calmed myself down and closed my eyes. What're you doing to yourself? Punk's a great guy and you're off here pining after a player?

I looked up to see Eva and Summer approach Dean and hook their arms through his. Sasha shot them a glare but it quickly dispersed when Dean planted a kiss on her forehead.

He led them all inside and they headed towards the bar.

   I stood up and packed my belongings, just wanting to be alone.

"Aj!" Someone called.

I turned around and saw Punk approaching, "Hey Phil".

"Hey" he smiled back, "Are you leaving already? I was hoping we could hang out?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired right now, but maybe later?"

Punk pulled out a crumpled paper from his pocket, "By later, do you mean tonight? At the beach bash?" He handed me the paper.

I read through it. A beach party? For everyone here? A smile spread into my lips as a plan formed in my head, "Yeah, sure!"

Phil smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck, "So it's a date?"

I nodded, "yep" and walked away.

Tonight at the beach bash I'm going to look drop dead gorgeous. That'll show Dean. Two can play.

Authors note:
Hellloooooo people! It's been AGES since I've updated but here ya go with an extra long chapter. What do you think of this fight between Aj and Dean? The beach bash is going to get interesting!! Hope you stay in tune cause I'm gonna start writing the next chapter right now and update by at least tomorrow morning! To make up for how long I haven't updated, I'm gonna write five more times in one week! So by next week Wednesday I'll have updated six times this week! How bout that huh? So yeah, hope you enjoyed the chapter, yeah my writing is sucky and there's a lot of grammatical errors but I'll edit through later!! Stay in tune! And thanks for all the views guys! Can't believe we hit 200!! Love ya!

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