Aj hates Dean

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I finally made it backstage. Away from that lunatic. Jonathan Good was just about the last person I had wanted a story line with. Ok let me just be blunt, I hate him. I hate that guy. He disgusted me. How could he even live with himself knowing he had broken just about every girl in the locker rooms hearts? Sure I was known to be the heartbreaker around here, but only in the scripts. I was actually pretty good friends with most of the guys I'd had a storyline with. In the real world I have actually never been in a relationship. It just doesn't interest me. My one love is sitting on my shoulder right now. Yes, it's my baby and the only thing I need in my life. I slid off my championship and planted a big kiss on it. Besides, I don't have time to be romantically involved with anyone.

  "Hey Aj! Good match out there" my friend Kaitlyn walked up to me and gave me a hug. Kait and I have been close since our fcw days, and even though I hate her on screen, she's my best friend.

  "Thanks Kait, but ugh, I'm gonna vomit. How is it that the wwe universe chose me to me dean's partner for the night? They couldn't have chosen anyone else?" I whined.

  Kaitlyn giggled, "you haven't even gotten to know him and you already hate him".

  I ran my hands through my hair, "I don't have to get to know him. You dated him for a awhile, and that didn't end well. That's all I need to know about him".

  Her brows furrowed, "I wouldn't say date, more like..-"
"Had sex a few times then he just stopped talking to you?" I cut her off.

  Her lips pressed together, "yeah I guess.. That pretty much sums it up".

I rolled my eyes, "what a jerk".

Kaitlyn sighed, "Well I have to get ready for my match, in the mean time try not to kill Dean".

"No promises" I muttered under my breath as she walked away.

  I walked to the gorilla and sat down, clinging to my championship. The next match was Cesaro and I didn't know who the challenger was, but Cesaro was defending his United States championship. Just as the crowd started settling down after Cesaro's entrance, the challenger's music started playing. I'm here to show the world, I'm here to show the wooorld. Dolph Ziggler ran in as the crowd cheered again. I held my breath, this was the first time Nick was getting a push towards a championship in awhile. My fingers tightened around my belt as I leaned forward in my seat. I heard a chuckle behind me, "That into the show Aj?".

  I whipped around and came face to face with none other then the lunatic himself.

I rolled my eyes, "What's it to you?".

He grinned as he took a seat beside me,"I'm sensing a little hostility here".

  I glared at him, "oh really? How could you tell?".

  Dean shook his head, "I don't know it just got really" he shivered a bit "chilly in here".

  I suppressed a smile and continued to glare at him, "funny".

  He shrugged his shoulders, " I'm telling you, that stare could freeze anyone, why so cold?" .

  He pulled the outside of my lips into a smile, "there much better right?".

  I pushed his hands off my face, "Get off of me!" And scooted my chair farther from him.

  Okay, he was really starting to get on my nerves. Dean frowned a bit, "okay what's up? Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you?".

  I gave him a shocked look, "Really? You're seriously asking this question?". He nodded and widened his eyes. "Hm I don't know", I said pretending to think, "Why don't we ask the 20 girls here that you've slept with why".

  Dean swallowed thickly and looked down at his shoes, "It's ah, it's actually 17".

  "Oh! And even keeping track!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together,"trying to go for some sort of record?" I got up and stood right in front of him leaning a bit so we could be eye level, "Listen, Dean, you have a reputation around here. But I'm guessing you already know what it is, considering you're probably proud of it and aiming for 30? Let me know if I'm right" I said with as much venom as I could muster into my voice.

  Dean's eyes hardened, and after a few moments of silence he stood up so that I was now looking up at him, "You have a lot of guts pipsqueak. But you don't have to worry, I wouldn't hit a girl like you" he bent down to be eye level with me, mocking me, "I wouldn't want to be seen with weird looking shortstack" he spat.

Dean POV~
It wasn't true. What I said wasn't true. But I couldn't help myself. It aggravated me that she told me the truth right to my face. Sure I knew people talked shit about me behind my back. But that was just that. It's not like I actually heard what they were saying. All of a sudden, a 5' 2" little girl comes up to me and tells it to my face? I think that it just about made her the hottest person I'd ever met. Her eyes, they looked like they could see right through me, right through my games. The way she leaned in when she called me out. It turned me on. But what was I supposed to say? I had to show her I didn't care about the crap she was saying or else my badass rep would be ruined.

  I grinned a bit because even though what he said was a bit hurtful, I knew it wasn't true. Several guys had asked me out on a date when I first joined the company. I leaned in so that our noses were almost touching, "oh bless my weird looking little heart, I'm saved from the freakishly tall lunatic" I whispered as I turned and walked away.

Dean POV~
All I could do was watch as she walked away. A grin, once again, slowly spreading onto my face.

OMG I LOVE THIS COUPLE SO MUCH AND HAVE WANTED TO START CREATING A STORY ABOUT THEM FOR AWHILE. I thought they looked so cute together and would be the perfect match, but every single story that I've read about them has either had Aj basically chasing after Dean or Aj hating him for maybe three sentences of the story and being easy. So I decided to shake things up a little and make Dean be the one chasing after Aj. I hope you guys enjoy this series because I'm having a lot of fun of fun writing it! Leave any suggestions or corrections in the comments! Thanks!

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