A White Flag for a Truce

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~Dean POV~
It was 4 a.m in the morning, and I somehow had to manage to get out of Eva's hotel room without her or anybody else noticing.

Shit. I should not have done that last night.

3 times. I've slept with Eva 3 times. What the hell have I gotten myself into.

I quickly pulled on my pants and grabbed my duffel bag. I heard a low moan come from Eva's mouth as she stirred slightly. I froze. Step by step, Jon... Don't rush it.

I slowly tip toed my way to the door and carefully and quietly opened it. I slid out, then shut the door silently. A breath of relief escaped my lips.

"Wow" a voice said.

My head whipped around to see none other than Aj. Her eyebrows were raised knowingly and her lips were pulled into a smug smirk, "Eva Marie three times, Dean?"

My jaw clenched. Out of all the people in the world, I had to run into her at this very moment?

I plastered on a flirtatious grin, "Keeping tabs on me aye sweetie pie? I should feel flattered, I have my own personal stalker".

Aj's jaw fell open. Got her on that one.


I smirked, "then Hun, why're you here at 4 o'clock in the morning?"

Aj threw her hands up in the air, "well if you must know, I always go jogging early in the morning! And today I just couldn't sleep very well so I just decided to get up and start the day early!"

I shrugged my shoulders, "whatever you say sugar plum"

Aj's face slowly scrunched up in disdain, "and cut it out with those creepy names!" She screamed in anger as she stormed past me.

I chuckled a bit and followed her to the elevators, "Going down?" I cast a glance at her.

She jumped slightly at the sound of my voice, then spun around and shot me an accusing glare, "yes actually"

I winked at her and pressed the down button. The elevator arrived soon after that. We both entered and went down to the lobby. The entire time we were both silent. The elevator door opened and released us.

"You headed to the breakfast buffet?" I asked her casually as I slipped a hand into my pocket. Originally I was planning on going back to my room and sleeping. But then I realized Eva could easily find me there. Plus... I felt compelled to stay with Aj.

She cast me a wary glance, "yeah.."

I rolled my eyes, "Relax, I don't bite"

She shot me a knowing look, "Sure you don't" she answered sarcastically as she picked up a tray and plate.

I cleared my throat and gave her a sly smirk, "Drop it" I ordered as I reached for forks, knives and spoons.

I ended up getting scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, grits, watermelon, pancakes, strawberries, and coffee. Aj had a fruit bowl, scrambled eggs, a bagel and a coffee.

"Geez Hun" I said while stuffing my mouth with more grits, "You don't eat much do you?"

Aj rolled her eyes while she ate a piece of cantaloupe, "Or maybe you just have the appetite of a boar?".

Why was she sitting with me and actually having a conversation? I don't know. Maybe because it was just the two of us in here. Maybe it was because she didn't want to be alone. Either way, I didn't care. It was a win win situation for me.

I quickly polished off my plate and set it in the cart, "So Hun, you going on your run now?"

Aj nodded, "Yup, but not until I stretch. Have to let the food digest you know".

I grinned, "True, you don't want to throw up all over the road".

She wrinkled her nose. I found it adorable when she did that.

I rubbed the back of my neck, "So, I know I'm not your favorite person..." I started.

Aj raised am eyebrow, "You could say that again" she muttered under her breath.

I chose to ignore her snippy comment, "But-" I continued, "We're going to have to continue working with each other for the next four months... And that's not going to end well if we're at each other's throats 24/7".

"So?" Aj asked, raising her eyes brows and anticipating the next words that were going to come from my mouth, "What're you trying to get at?".

I cleared my throat, "I'm suggesting a temporary truce for the time being. Just so that we make things easier on ourselves and everybody else".

Aj rubbed her chin and nodded her head, "Alright... But on the condition that we stay as temporary friends. Nothing more develops" she said sternly.

My heart hammered inside me, what if it already has? But I pulled off my reply nonchalantly, "Hun, who do you think I am? You know you aren't the typical girl I go for".

Aj scoffed, "Dean, your type is that they have to be a girl. I'm not taking any chances with you".

"Okay" I smirked, and stuck my hand out, "friends?".

Aj's eyes were clouded with doubt as she stared at my open hand, but she finally took it and shook it, "Friends" she confirmed.

Okayyy so what did you think of that?! I'm glad Aj and Dean are getting closer to one another but I'm so PISSED OFF at Dean for sleeping with Eva like come one really?! XD but anyways!! I made the entire story from deans POV this time cause it gives a longer and deeper look into his feelings. Plus it's just much more fun to write from his perspective than Aj's BUT ANYWAYS comment on any errors and yeah I know my writing sucks but I'm trying to improve! So no hate please:( and don't forget to vote and follow and comment!! Thnx guys! If we could get this to 10 views that'd be great!!:))))

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