Punk's in the Scene

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~Aj POV~
"-and their mixed tag team opponents for the night are!!" Lillian left the crowd in suspense.

I held my breath as I waited for the music to hit.

Dean's music started playing as the crowd roared and the lunatic fringe walked out.



I heard catcalls and whistles. I huffed. Dean was fairly popular with all the females both backstage and in the crowd. I rolled my eyes and awaited my music.

I wasn't gonna lie, I was kind of nervous. I was anxious to see what the crowds reaction would be to me teaming up with dean again. Well, I guess I would find out in about 5 second.

"Light it, l-l-light it-". I heard my music begin and the crowd erupt once again.

I plastered on a coy smile and skipped out.

~Dean POV~
My heart hammered wildly as I turned at the sound of the familiar music. I mentally slapped myself. Of course Aj would be coming out to compete with me, we were partners. It was in the damn script that I had read over 20 times.

My eyes focused in on the girl skipping towards me. She smiled at me flirtatiously and made her way into the ring. She blew a kiss towards Randy and Nikki, our opponents, then skipped towards me. She winked at me, then kissed her belt and set it down.

I was dumbfounded at what had just happened. Did she-? Did I see that right? Did Aj just wink at me?

I grinned and put my arm around her waist, pulling her in. She struggled against my grasp a bit and I frowned. Isn't this what she wanted?

"Dean" she hissed at me quietly.

"yes babe?" I answered.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I wiggled my eyebrows, "what do you want me to do?"

"To do what's written in the god damn script. Did you even read it?" She whispered with much venom.

"What do you mean the script? Of course I read it".

"then why are you holding onto my waist?"

"Because you winked at me. I thought you wanted me to do this".

Aj sighed and rolled her eyes,"proof that you didn't read it" she muttered, "Dean, I was supposed to wink at you. It's written in the script. I'm supposed to flirt with you".

"Oh" I could feel my face heating up as I reluctantly let go of her waist and slightly stepped away, "well then what am I supposed to do?".

"Basically ignore me" Aj raised her eyebrows.

"-and on the other side we have the team of Aj and Dean Ambrose!" I heard Lillian announce.

Aj and I snapped out of our little conversation and realized the match was about to start.

"I'll go first this time" Aj said as she pushed me out of the ring.

~Aj POV~

Dean and I won our match again. I hate to admit it, but we worked well as a team. Even though he was a total airhead.

"AJ!" Someone called my name. I turned around and saw Cm Punk. My eyes widened and I was immediately very aware of the sweat running down my forehead and my unkempt hair.

"Hey Punk" I grinned weakly, completely embarrassed.

Punk visibly frowned, "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm just really gross right now so you might not want to step too close or you'll smell my horrid scent" I immediately clamped my mouth shut with my hands at the realization of what I had just said out loud. My face slowly burned up and my eyes widened in horror.

Why was it that every single time Punk was around it was as if my brain turned to jello and I couldn't process what I was going to say until it was too late. Why why why did I have to say that out loud.

A thundering sound interrupted my thoughts. Punk was doubled over and laughing? Oh great, now he thinks I'm joke. I frowned and crossed my arms, "What's so funny?" I said, my face still red.

Punk's laughter eventually died down and he ruffled my hair, "You are, silly".

I frowned, "Gee thanks, continue laughing at my expense".

Punk let out another hearty laugh, then pulled me into an embrace. I froze. Cm Punk was hugging me. Is this for real?

"Don't be offended" he said softly, "I think you're adorable".

I could feel myself blushing again and I buried my face into my hair, "Whatever" I mumbled.

He let out a chuckle, then backed away from the embrace, pushing my hair out of my face, "You did good today" he smiled, then walked away.

I stood frozen as I stared at Punk's receding figure.

My heart thumped wildly in my chest. Oh boy... Do I like him?

OKAY OKAY SO WHAT DID YU THINK OF THAT? It wasn't a very eventful chapter but I took the opportunity to introduce Aj's crush on punk PLUS it was longer than the last chapter!!!! ALSO I PUBLISHED THE STORY IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS OF WHEN THE LAST ONE WAS PUBLSIHED SO PROPS TO ME ON tHAT. And yeah I know I know my writings still really trashy but I'm working on it so sorry about that:( IF WE COULD GET THIS NEXT STORY TO 5 VOTES THAT WOULD BE GREAt! Also let me know if I have any grammatical errors and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible thnxxxxx!!!!!!

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