The Truth about Punk

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Okayy so I was just wondering if the rumors were true. So it's a completely unrelated topic but, IS THE SHIELD REALLY REUNITING SOON? I loveddd the shield, even when they were the bad guys and booed all the time. But yeah if anyone could confirm that'd be great!! Now... ONTO THE STORY!

~Punk's POV~
Dean fucking Ambrose. That name definitely rings a bell. Or, more like an alarm. Or a siren? Either way, rule number one about him, steer clear.

Dean has been out to get me ever since the incident that occurred a few years back.

It was 2012, and I had just recently broken up with my long term girlfriend, Lita. I was heartbroken because we were engaged and supposed to get married, but she called it off at the last moment stating that, "I don't love you that way... I- I never have, I'm sorry Phil".

I locked myself up in my house and cried for days. How could you purposefully lead someone on like that, even saying yes to marriage, and then telling them that you didn't love them? I didn't understand it. I drowned my sorrow in alcohol. I was slowly starting to disgust myself. What had I become?

I was Cm Punk, the former world heavyweight champion, and I was depressed over a woman who didn't deserve a single breath from me. I shook off my sorrows and started my reboot campaign. I came back to the wwe stronger than ever.

I added more personality to my character by starting up my straight edge slogan, vowing to never drink again. I even got a new girlfriend, her name was Amanda Good. Yes, you heard right, her last name was Good. She was Dean's younger sister.

I devoted myself to her and loved her unconditionally, but when our relationship started growing more serious, I began to worry. I didn't want to get hurt again. What if I gave myself over to Amanda completely and she did the same exact thing Lita did? What if she stomped all over my heart too? I wasn't ready for that. I never wanted that to happen again. The morning after Amanda and I had sex for the very first time, I left her. I had to stop our relationship before it got too serious.

I was planning on cutting it off before any of that ever happened, but things got carried away last night. It's still my biggest regret today. I blocked her number and left her heartbroken. Dean still hasn't forgiven me to this day. I haven't forgiven myself either. But I can't dwell on the past anymore. I can't let Lita's actions tie me down forever. I have to move on, I have to get past it.

The moment my eyes first landed on Aj, I knew she was the one. She made my heart skip a beat as she walked over and introduced herself to me. I loved the way her smiles reached her eyes. I loved her soft, tinkling laugh. I loved her long, wavy hair. I loved everything about her.

She's the one. I can move on.
Authors note:
Okay, it's kinda short but aaaaaaagggghhhhh❤️ what do you guys think about that? Does that change your perspective on punk? I feel so bad for him honestly, he's been through so much and deserves to end up with a great person... Just, not Aj, I'm shipping Dean and Aj so much rn. But who knows what'll happen? Maybe punk and Aj ARE meant for each other. Guess we'll just have to find out;) ahahaha I sound so crazy right now I'm literally the one writing this XD but whatevsss! But omg, did I have you all fooled there for a second? After Deans POV from the last chapter you really thought that Punk was gonna end being the classic jerk playing the innocent girl didn't you? Well this makes you sympathize for him. Who are you rooting for now? Team Dean or Punk? Aaaaanyways, I hope you all vote and follow! Also don't forget to comment any errors or mistakes I have! Thanks again for all the support! 100 views?! I'm in shock right now, I was aiming for 50 for the entire book! I can't believe it! Thank you guys sooooo much!! Lots of love<3

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