Beach Bash

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~Aj POV~

It's pretty petty of me to try and make a guy jealous by using another guy. But the way I figure is, if I end up loving Punk because of this date. It's all for the better?

I spent all day today looking for the perfect outfit. I came up with a white lace bikini that had leather strings with moccasin beads decorated on it. It was the skimpiest bikini I had ever worn in my life, but somehow it didn't look that slutty on me. Which made me feel a lot more comfortable wearing it. I was wearing high waisted jean shorts and a light grey flowy crop top. I topped it all off with letting my hair hang down in loose waves and braiding a strand in the back that made this style seem a lot more "Cherokee" as Kaitlyn called it. Then I applied some water proof mascara and light lip gloss. I heard someone knock on my room door. I slipped on some sandals and opened it.

Punk stood at the door gaping. He was wearing a t shirt, swim trunks and a towel hung over his shoulder.

  "Wow,, wow" his mouth opened and closed like a fish.

I blushed and walked out the door, "Thanks.. Come on let's go".

He quickly jogged into place next to me and we walked to the bash together. When I arrived I saw Dean in the corner.

He had an opened can of beer in his hand and he was grinning. One of his arms was slung over Sasha's shoulders and he whispered something in her ear before taking a swig out of his can. She giggled as he set his can down and led her onto the dance floor.

My heart wrenched at the sight of them. Everybody was either dressed in bikinis or swim trunks.

Punk and I walked over to two lounge chairs and set out stuff down. Punk pulled off his shirt and threw it on the chair.

Although I always see him bare chested because of wrestling, I still couldn't help but notice his toned abs and arms.

I looked back up to his face and saw him smirking at me.

"I'll go get us some drinks when you finish ogling me" he said.

I scoffed, "Then you should've left minutes ago".

He laughed, "Alright. I'll be right back".

I nodded and sat down on my lounge chair. I looked up to see where Dean was again and saw him dancing in a crowd of girls. They all flocked around him. One girl grabbed at the sides of his head and smashed her lips against his. Dean laughed as they pulled apart and ran his hand through his hair.

Players will be players. They don't change.

Punk came back with a can of beer and a soda, then he cracked them open. "Here" he said as he handed me the can of beer. I took it gratefully and took a long drink.

Wow, that feels good.
~Dean POV~
I knew Aj was here, I saw her walk in with Phil.

I couldn't help but try and make her jealous. She looked so gorgeous. I had to get her attention. I grabbed Sasha's hand and led her to the bar where they were doing body shots. Maybe she'll notice me now?
~Aj's POV~

I smiled as I took another swig and finished the can.
Punk widened his eyes as he took the empty can from my hand, "Woah there, slow down a bit".

I placed my hand on his face, "You have really nice eyes" I told him, then I headed towards the bar and got a shot of vodka.

Punk came towards me as I finished the shot, "Wow, are you feeling okay there?" He asked me as his brows furrowed in concern.

My heart fluttered and my insides felt warm.

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