Sweet Cheeks

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~Aj POV~

I woke up with a pounding in my head.

Groaning, I rolled out of bed.

God I'm so wasted.

Drowsily, I rubbed my head for some sort of relief from the throbbing pain that I was feeling and glanced at my alarm clock.



Had I slept through the entire morning and afternoon? I groaned, still not wanting to get up from the comfort my bed was offering me.

Checking my phone, I saw that I had 7 missed calls and fifteen unread text messages. I slammed my phone back down onto the desk, not wanting to deal with my life responsibilities at the moment.

Finally finding the courage to get up, I dragged myself to the shower and peeled the skimpy suit off my body. Not bothering with the hot water, I let the cold water blast onto my head and shoulders, waking me up instantly and pounding onto my sore muscles.

After a good 15 minute shower, I hopped out and quickly got ready for a nice and relaxing da- er um, night I guess.

Picking out a nice comic book, I made my way out to the pool and sat myself on a lounge chair; slipping on a pair of sunglasses and trying to ignore the dull aching of my head from the remnants of the hangover. Indulging myself into the adventures that the avengers were going to face this time, I sighed contently, just wanting to be at peace and relax in the moment.

A shadow soon crossed over me and I heard a low chuckle that was all too familiar, groaning I threw my head back and cursed my luck, "Seriously? Will God not grant me ten minutes of peace and tranquility?"

Dean grinned as he took the seat next to mine, "What's my little geek doing getting up so late in the day?"

I shrugged, "Guess I'm just exhausted and sore from last night." I fired back knowingly.

His fists immediately clenched at his sides and his eyes narrowed, "What do you mean?"

Slightly confused by his sudden change in demeanor, I repositioned myself into a more comfortable position, "What's it to you?"

"Just curious." He responded.

Though by the way his teeth were gritting together and his locked jaw, I could tell there was more to the act.


"So." He started again, "Had a fun time with Punk last night did you?"

My mouth fell open as I slowly began to process what he said.

So that's why he was irked...

Rolling my eyes, I smirked, "Yeah, actually I did. Not that it's any of your business though."

I mean, why not?

His gaze hardened, "What kind of fun?"

"I said it's none of your business. Now can you just leave me alone?!"

He huffed and stared at me for a bit, as if contemplating something, then he finally let out a grin, "Bet you I could give you a ten times more fun night."

"Dean, you're literally a perv." I said while giving him an incredulous look and biting the inside of my lip.

His grin gradually grew lazily, "Yeah, but you like it."

My cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

What was going on? Why was Dean suddenly so forward with me?

"DEAN-Y." A voice screeched.

We both looked over his shoulder to see Sasha approaching.

"Come on. We have to start getting ready for that club!" She whined, pouting her lips and childishly stomping and placing her hands on her hips.

Dean turned back to face me, "Gotta go sweet cheeks." He winked.

Sasha sneered at me while his back was turned and I responded with a friendly smile. Hey, it's not like I really wanted to get into a bitch fight with, well, the queen bitch.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes but I could see a slight twinge of pink coloring her cheeks, she immediately plastered on a fake smile when Dean turned around though, waving him over flirtatiously.

He stood up and ruffled my hair, laughing at my astonished expression before walking over to where Sasha was.

I gulped as I watched them head out together, feeling my gut twist with a feeling that I didn't quite like.

I was pretty sure it was jealousy.

Ok it was kind of a really short chapter again, but I've come to the conclusion that the shorter the chapters are, the more I'll prob write. So hopefully this new method works!!

Anyways, thoughts on the chapter?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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