april 28th, 2021

580 58 54

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"i didn't know you were coming over today." calum yawned as he entered the kitchen, directing his statement at the brunette cooking.

michael was fiddling with some pot on the stove while tucker was watching from his perch on the counter. tucker's head snapped up at the sound of calum's voice and he didn't look very happy with the sight of his father.

"daddy noooo!" tucker whined. "you weren't supposed to wake up yet."

"he's right." michael stated. "you aren't supposed to be up."

"too late now." calum chuckled.

"we were making you breakfast and we were gonna bring it to you." tucker complained. "go back to bed."

"yea go back to bed." michael ordered.

"but i don't wanna." calum retorted playfully walking over to tucker.

calum picked the five year old up and spun him around making him giggle excessively.

"put me down!" tucker squealed.

"never." calum replied.

"hey hey hey. stop spinning. you're near a hot stove" michael exclaimed, concern lacing his voice.

"fine." calum pouted.

he stopped spinning tucker around but didn't put him down despite his protests. calum held tucker close to his chest and buried his face in tucker's hair before starting to whisper to him.

"i love you tuck." he murmured.

"i love you too daddy." tucker mumbled back into calum's chest, wrapping his small arms around calum's neck and nuzzling close.

"you guys are too cute." michael cooed as he turned off the stove. "go upstairs and i'll bring the food up."

"nah let's just eat down here." calum said walking towards the table. "it's easier."

"alright." michael sighed.

"hey daddy?" tucker asked as they all sat down at the table and started to eat the eggs and bacon michael had made.

"what's up little man?"

"can we go to the park today?"

"yeah i don't see why not." calum answered. "gotta eat all your food though."

tucker replied to calum's demand by stuffing his face with the scrambled eggs on his plate.

"buddy slow down or you'll choke." michael laughed. "take your time, the park isn't going to disappear."

"i'm gonna go get dressed." calum mumbled pushing his plate away and standing up.

"but there's still food on your plate." michael pointed out.

"i'm not that hungry." calum muttered. he took one last gulp of his coffee before turning around and leaving the room before michael or tucker could make another comment on his eating habits.

"are you gonna come to the park with us mikey?" tucker asked breaking the awkward silence that had filled the room when calum left.

"i would love to."


"now don't run off too far, okay tuck?"

"okay daddy!" tucker exclaimed before running towards the playgroud and leaving calum and michael in the dust.

"how does he have so much energy?" michael chuckled watching tucker climb the playground.

"beats me." calum sighed. "i wish he'd share some with me. i'm always tired."

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