may 6th, 2021

560 53 72

feedback aka comments pls

from: unknown number

to: unknown number
who is this ??

from: unknown number
oh shit sorry
it's james
this is calum right?

calum chuckled slightly before sending back a reply. he leaned back on the couch and placed his cell phone down on his chest waiting for it to buzz notifying a response.

to: james🐶
oh hey! yeah it's calum
what to you so long to text me?
i gave you my number like at least a week ago.

from: james🐶
i didn't exactly know what to say
and i was kinda nervous you gave me a fake number

calum let a small chuckle slip which caused tucker, who was laying on the living room floor drawing, to whip his head up to look at calum.

"why are you laughing?" tucker asked as calum sent a reply back to the blonde.

to: james🐶
i would never

"just a friend bud." calum answered, looking back up from his phone and giving tucker a small smile.

from: james🐶
so back to why i texted you
i was kinda sorta wondering if you would wanna go get some lunch with me?
you can bring tucker if you want. i completely understand if you aren't comfortable with leaving him home

to: james🐶
you wouldn't mind if i brought him??

from: james🐶
not at all
i'll never know what it was like to go through what you two did and i get that you wouldn't want to leave him alone

calum's heart swelled at james empathy towards his situation. after the huge fight he had with luke over the same thing it was nice to have someone react opposite to the way luke had.

to: james🐶
when do you want to go to lunch?

from: james🐶
i was hoping maybe today
but if you can't today any day really works for me

"hey tuck?" calum called out to the little boy, "you wanna go out for lunch today?"

"with mikey?" tucker asked.

calum shook his head, "no with james. the nice guy with the dog. you remember him right?"

"is he gonna bring his dog?"

"i can ask for you if you want." calum suggested.

to: james🐶
tucker would like to know if you'd bring chester or not

from: james🐶
if he wants me to then of course
we'll just have to go to a place that allows dogs
and i happen know the perfect place

to: james🐶
then today sounds perfect
what time do you want to meet up?

"hey mom?" calum shouted, hoping his mother would hear him from wherever she was in the house.

"yeah?" she yelled back as she peeped her head out from the kitchen.

"do you think you can drive me and tucker to go meet someone for lunch?" he asked. "and then pick us back up when we're done?"

"yeah of course! i have to go grocery shopping anyways." she exclaimed. "michael can't pick you up today?"

"we aren't meeting up with michael." calum mumbled.

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