january 10th, 2021

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dampness was the first thing tucker felt waking up in the hospital. his pants, the bed sheets, both damp.

"psst." he whispered poking calum's face. "daddy wake up." calum groaned before peeking his eyes open to look at tucker.

"hi." he mumbled sleepily giving his son a small smile.

"i wet the bed." tucker stated. calum chuckled before sitting up.

"did you now? that's okay. let's go change your pants." he said before climbing off the bed and motioning for tucker to follow him. the five year old stood up on the bed and held his hands out for calum to pick him up. calum shook his head.

"but i want you to carry me." tucker whined.

"you're covered in your own pee and you want me to carry you?" tucker nodded. "ew."


"ugh fine." calum grimaced. he picked up tucker and carried him to the bathroom attached to their room. "we're gonna take a shower okay?"

"what's a shower?"

"i'll show you okay? just take off your clothes and put them in a pile by the door." he said. tucker complied and stripped of the pee stained clothing. calum turned on the shower and then quickly undressed himself.

"why is the water falling from above?" tucker asked as calum led him into the shower.

"because that's what a shower is bud." he said before stepping underneath the warm water and groaning in pleasure. tucker on the other hand refused to step under the water. "are you going to come over here or not?"

"no this is weird." tucker complained.

"suit yourself." calum said shrugging. "looks like your just gonna be covered in your own pee all day." tucker whined in frustration.

"that's gross though."

"well then get over here you butt." calum laughed flicking some water at tucker.

"fine." tucker said pouting before cautiously walking over to calum. calum knelt down next to tucker and held his hand to comfort him. he rested on his knees and caressed the little boy's face with his free hand.

"see your fine." calum soothed. "the water isn't going to hurt you." tucker nodded and went fully under the stream of water. he flinched at first but relaxed as calum rubbed his back.

"this tickles." tucker giggled. calum chuckled before grabbing the shampoo bottle from the shower rack.

"i'm going to wash your hair okay? and then your body." calum said softly pouring some shampoo in his hand. tucker nodded and let calum clean him. soon enough the two were done with their shower and wrapped in fluffy white towels that were sitting on the bathroom counter.

"these towels are soft." tucker stated. "i like these towels."

"they're nice." calum replied. "let's go get some clean clothes on and then maybe we can get something to eat." tucker followed calum back out into the room and allowed him to dress him.

"where's the food?" tucker asked sitting on the bed that hadn't gotten soiled.

"i have to call for it." calum said pointing to the phone. tucker nodded and watched as calum called someone requesting for food to be brought up. tucker walked over to the window and stared out at the town. "it's pretty isn't it?"

"there's so many things." tucker said in awe. "everything's so big and a lot of things are moving.

"that's the world for you bud." calum said picking the five year old up and holding him close as someone knocked on the door. tucker immediately hid his head in calum's neck as the person came inside rolling a cart.

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