december 9th, 2020

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"daddy! wake up!" tucker squealed climbing on top of his father. "wake up, wake up, wake up!" calum cracked open his left eye and looked up at tucker who was straddling his stomach.

"morning bud." calum reached up and tickled the little boy's sides. squeals of happiness filled the small room.

"get up!" tucker demanded climbing off of calum.

"nah." calum teased pulling the covers over his head and pretending to sleep.

"daddy!" tucker yelled. "get up!"

"why should i?" calum asked playfully peaking out from under the covers.

"because daddy because!" tucker yelled back tugging on calum's arm.

"because why?" calum grinned. 

"because it's my birthday!" tucker cried. "i'm finally five!"

"are you sure?" calum asked playfully. tucker nodded excessively in return. "nah. it's definitely tomorrow."

"daddy!" tucker screeched. "it's today!" calum laughed at tucker's persistence.

"yeah i know. i'm just messing with you bud." tucker rolled his eyes and started tugging on calum's arm again.

"get up!" the now five year old whined.

"okay. okay. i'm up." calum kicked the covers off of him and stood up from the bed. tucker tried turning around and walking to the kitchen area but calum swooped him up into his arms before he could get away.

"daddy! put me down." tucker giggled. calum peppered tucker's face with kisses and spun around in circles.

"never." calum laughed. he stopped spinning and lifted tucker a little higher to bring him face to face. "you're five now." tucker nodded enthusiastically.

"yup. five." the five year old grinned and held up his hand indicating five years with his fingers.

"my precious five year old." calum mumbled. "god i love you."

"i love you too daddy." tucker chirped. the five year old pressed his lips to calum's cheek and wrapped his arm's around his neck squeezing tight.

"what do you want to do today love?" tucker pulled away and looked into his father's identical brown eyes. he shrugged.

"i dunno." calum rolled his eyes and carried him into the kitchen. he plopped tucker down on the counter and rummaged through the cabinet above.

"how bout after breakfast we make a cake?" calum smirked playfully and pulled out a box of cake mix and handed it to tucker.

"really?" tucker squealed. calum nodded.

"yup but you have to eat breakfast first and get dressed and brush your teeth." tucker nodded rapidly and motioned to get off the counter.

"help me down." calum chucked and lift the boy up and placed him on the floor. calum handed him a bowl and spoon and motioned for him to sit down. calum grabbed the box of coco puffs he specially requested just for tucker.

tucker ate as fast as possible and stared calum down so he would hurry up and finish which of course made calum laugh.

"jeez tuck. patience." tucker shook his head.

"no hurry daddy." calum rolled his eyes but complied and finished the rest of his cereal. he took his and tucker's bowls and placed them in the sink.

"can i pick your outfit today?" tucker asked rummaging through their small supply of clothes. calum nodded and sat down on the bed. eventually tucker toddled over to the bed with an arm full of clothes and threw them all down. he rummaged through the pile and distinguished his clothing from calum's.

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